Adrián Ramírez
Adrián Ramírez
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DESIGN of proportional-integral-retarded (PIR) controllers for second-order LTI systems
A Ramírez, S Mondié, R Garrido, R Sipahi
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 61 (6), 1688 - 1693, 2016
VELOCITY control of servo systems using an integral retarded algorithm
A Ramírez, R Garrido, S Mondié
ISA Transactions 58, 357-366, 2015
AN ANALYTICAL approach to tuning of delay-based controllers for LTI-SISO systems
A Ramírez, R Sipahi, S Mondié, R Garrido
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 55 (1), 397-412, 2017
MULTIPLE intentional delays can facilitate fast consensus and noise reduction in a multiagent system
A Ramírez, R Sipahi
IEEE Transactions on Cybernetics 49 (4), 1224-1235, 2019
SINGLE-DELAY and multiple-delay proportional-retarded (PR) protocols for fast consensus in a large-scale network
A Ramírez, R Sipahi
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 64 (5), 2142-2149, 2019
integral retarded velocity control of DC servomotors
A Ramírez, R Garrido, S Mondié
11th IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems 46 (3), 558-563, 2013
proportional integral retarded control of second order linear systems
A Ramírez, S Mondié, R Garrido
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2239-2244, 2013
study of the bidirectional power flow in Back-to-Back converters by using linear and nonlinear control strategies
J Alcalá, V Cárdenas, A Ramírez, J Gudiño-Lau
2011 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), 806-813, 2011
CHARACTERIZING some improperly posed problems in proportional-derivative control
CF Méndez-Barrios, SI Niculescu, A Martínez-González, A Ramírez
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 32 (18), 9452-9474, 2022
AN APPROACH to compute and design the delay margin of a large‐scale matrix delay equation
A Ramírez, MH Koh, R Sipahi
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 29 (4), 1101-1121, 2019
A SCALABLE approach to compute delay margin of a class of neutral-type time delay systems
A Ramírez, D Breda, R Sipahi
SIAM Journal on Control and Optimization 59 (2), 805-824, 2021
on delay-based control of low-order LTI systems: A simple alternative to PI/PID controllers under noisy measurements
A Ramírez, R Garrido, R Sipahi, S Mondié
13th IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems 49 (10), 188-193, 2016
design of maximum decay rate for SISO systems with delayed output feedback using elimination theory
A Ramírez, R Sipahi, S Mondié, R Garrido
12th IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems 48 (12), 221-226, 2015
FAST consensus in a large-scale multi-agent system with directed graphs using time-delayed measurements
A Ramírez, R Sipahi, S Mondié, R Garrido
Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A 377 (2153), Article ID …, 2019
ALGEBRAIC dominant pole placement methodology for unmanned aircraft systems with time delay
E Espinoza, L Garcia, A Ramírez, S Mondié
IEEE Transactions on Aerospace and Electronic Systems 52 (3), 1108 - 1119, 2016
PASSIVITY-based PI control of first-order systems with I/O communication delays: a frequency domain analysis
F Castaños, E Estrada, S Mondié, A Ramírez
International Journal of Control 91 (11), 2549-2562, 2018
necessary conditions for the stability of one delay systems: a Lyapunov matrix approach
S Mondie, C Cuvas, A Ramírez, A Egorov
10th IFAC Workshop on Time-Delay Systems, 13-18, 2012
stability of human-in-the-loop multiagent systems with time delays
AT Koru, T Yucelen, R Sipahi, A Ramírez, KM Dogan
2019 American Control Conference (ACC), 4854-4859, 2019
A ROBUST nonlinear control scheme for a sag compensator active multilevel rectifier without sag detection algorithm
J Lira, N Visairo, C Núñez, A Ramírez, H Sira-Ramirez
IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics 27 (8), 3576-3583, 2012
design of maximum exponential decay rate for LTI-SISO systems via delay-based controllers
A Ramírez
Department of Automatic Control, CINVESTAV-IPN, 2015
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