Francesco C. Billari
Francesco C. Billari
Otros nombresFrancesco Billari
Professor of Demography, Bocconi University
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The emergence of lowest‐low fertility in Europe during the 1990s
HP Kohler, FC Billari, JA Ortega
Population and development review 28 (4), 641-680, 2002
Advances in development reverse fertility declines
M Myrskylä, HP Kohler, FC Billari
Nature 460 (7256), 741-743, 2009
Patterns of low and lowest-low fertility in Europe
F Billari, HP Kohler
Population studies 58 (2), 161-176, 2004
Re‐theorizing family demographics
G Esping‐Andersen, FC Billari
Population and development review 41 (1), 1-31, 2015
Fertility in advanced societies: A review of research: La fécondité dans les sociétés avancées: Un examen des recherches
N Balbo, FC Billari, M Mills
European Journal of Population/Revue europeenne de demographie 29, 1-38, 2013
Towards a new pattern of transition to adulthood?
FC Billari, AC Liefbroer
Advances in life course research 15 (2-3), 59-75, 2010
Leaving home: A comparative analysis of ECHP data
A Aassve, FC Billari, S Mazzuco, F Ongaro
Journal of European social policy 12 (4), 259-275, 2002
Leaving home in Europe: The experience of cohorts born around 1960
FC Billari, D Philipov, P Baizán
International Journal of Population Geography 7 (5), 339-356, 2001
Generations and Gender Survey (GGS) Towards a better understanding of relationships and processes in the life course
A Vikat, Z Spéder, G Beets, FC Billari, C Bühler, A Désesquelles, ...
Demographic research 17, 389-440, 2007
Becoming an adult in Europe: A macro (/micro)-demographic perspective
F Billari
Demographic research 3, 15-44, 2004
Attitudes, norms and perceived behavioural control: Explaining fertility intentions in Bulgaria/Attitudes, normes et contrôle perçu du comportement: Une explication des …
FC Billari, D Philipov, MR Testa
European Journal of Population/Revue Europénne de Démographie, 439-465, 2009
Low fertility in Europe: Causes, implications and policy options
HP Kohler, FC Billari, JA Ortega
The baby bust: Who will do the work, 48-109, 2006
Should I stay or should I go? The impact of age norms on leaving home
FC Billari, AC Liefbroer
Demography 44 (1), 181-198, 2007
Bringing norms back in: A theoretical and empirical discussion of their importance for understanding demographic behaviour
AC Liefbroer, FC Billari
Population, space and place 16 (4), 287-305, 2010
Strings of Adulthood: A Sequence Analysis of Young British Women’s Work-Family Trajectories: Parcours de la vie adulte: Une analyse par séquence des trajectoires travail …
A Aassve, FC Billari, R Piccarreta
European Journal of Population/Revue européenne de Démographie 23, 369-388, 2007
Cohabitation, marriage, and first birth: The interrelationship of family formation events in Spain
P Baizán, A Aassve, FC Billari
European Journal of Population/Revue européenne de démographie 19, 147-169, 2003
Homeownership regimes and low fertility
CH Mulder, FC Billari
Housing studies 25 (4), 527-541, 2010
Soon, later, or ever? The impact of anomie and social capital on fertility intentions in Bulgaria (2002) and Hungary (2001)
D Philipov, Z Spéder, FC Billari
Population studies 60 (3), 289-308, 2006
Social age deadlines for the childbearing of women and men
FC Billari, A Goisis, AC Liefbroer, RA Settersten, A Aassve, G Hagestad, ...
Human reproduction 26 (3), 616-622, 2011
Agent-based computational demography: Using simulation to improve our understanding of demographic behaviour
FC Billari, A Prskawetz
Springer Science & Business Media, 2003
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