Yanhua Zhai
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Cited by
Correlated two-photon imaging with true thermal light
D Zhang, YH Zhai, LA Wu, XH Chen
Optics letters 30 (18), 2354-2356, 2005
Two-photon interference with true thermal light
YH Zhai, XH Chen, D Zhang, LA Wu
Phys. Rev. A 72, 043805 (2005) 72, 5, 2005
Anti-parity-time symmetric optical four-wave mixing in cold atoms
Y Jiang, Y Mei, Y Zuo, Y Zhai, J Li, J Wen, S Du
Physical review letters 123 (19), 193604, 2019
Multimodal coherent anti-Stokes Raman spectroscopic imaging with a fiber optical parametric oscillator
YH Zhai, C Goulart, JE Sharping, H Wei, S Chen, W Tong, MN Slipchenko, ...
Applied physics letters 98 (19), 2011
Photon-number-resolved detection of photon-subtracted thermal light
Y Zhai, FE Becerra, BL Glebov, J Wen, AE Lita, B Calkins, T Gerrits, J Fan, ...
Optics letters 38 (13), 2171-2173, 2013
Engineering biphoton wave packets with an electromagnetically induced grating
J Wen, YH Zhai, S Du, M Xiao
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 82 (4), 043814, 2010
Two-photon interference with two independent pseudo-thermal sources
YH Zhai, XH Chen, LA Wu
Phys. Rev. A 74, 053807 (2006), 2006
Absolute self-calibration of the quantum efficiency of single-photon detectors
XH Chen, YH Zhai, D Zhang, LA Wu
Optics letters 31 (16), 2441-2443, 2006
Single photon emission from diamond nanocrystals in an opal photonic crystal
LA Stewart, Y Zhai, JM Dawes, MJ Steel, JR Rabeau, MJ Withford
Optics Express 17 (20), 18044-18053, 2009
One-photon and two-photon double-slit interference in spontaneous and stimulated parametric down-conversions
DZ Cao, Z Li, YH Zhai, K Wang
The European Physical Journal D-Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma …, 2005
Controllable coupling between an ultra-high-Q microtoroid cavity and a graphene monolayer for optical filtering and switching applications
H Fan, X Zhang, J Zhao, S Li, S Hua, M Zhao, Y Hu, W Wan, Y Zhai, ...
Optics Express 28 (6), 7906-7916, 2020
Direct measurement of sub-wavelength interference using thermal light and photon-number-resolved detection
Y Zhai, FE Becerra, J Fan, A Migdall
Applied Physics Letters 105 (10), 2014
Absolute self-calibration of single-photon detectors with cw and pulsed spontaneous parametric down-conversion
DVM Ling-An Wu, XH Chen, YH Zhai, D Zhang, JT Chang
SPIE Optics & Photonics, Proc. vol. 6305 (2006), 2006
Non-Hermitian Optical Four-Wave Mixing in Cold Atoms
Y Jiang, Y Mei, Y Zuo, Y Zhai, J Li, J Wen, S Du
APS Division of Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics Meeting Abstracts 2020 …, 2020
Quantum optical coherence tomography with true thermal light
YH Zhai, XH Chen, JL Zhao, KH Luo, LA Wu
Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Pacific Rim, MH2_2, 2007
Sub-Hertz Resonance by Weak Measurement
J Wen, W Qu, J Sun, S Jin, Y Zhai, Y Xiao, L Jiang
Nonlinear Optics, NTh2A. 1, 2019
Non-Hermitian Nonlinear Optics without Gain and Loss
Y Zhai, Y Jiang, Y Mei, Y Zuo, S Du, J Wen
Nonlinear Optics, NM2B. 5, 2019
Sub-wavelength interferencing with thermal light
Y Zhai, FE Becerra, J Wen, J Fan, A Migdall
2014 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO)-Laser Science to …, 2014
Emission control of NV centers embedded in an opal photonic crystal
LA Stewart, Y Zhai, MJ Steel, JM Dawes, JR Rabeau, MJ Withford
2009 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and 2009 Conference on Quantum …, 2009
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Articles 1–19