High focal depth with fractional-power wave fronts A Sauceda, J Ojeda-Castañeda Optics letters 29 (6), 560-562, 2004 | 116 | 2004 |
A resonant magnetic field microsensor with high quality factor at atmospheric pressure AL Herrera-May, PJ García-Ramírez, LA Aguilera-Cortés, ... Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering 19 (1), 015016, 2008 | 85 | 2008 |
Mechanical design and characterization of a resonant magnetic field microsensor with linear response and high resolution AL Herrera-May, PJ García-Ramírez, LA Aguilera-Cortés, E Figueras, ... Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 165 (2), 399-409, 2011 | 40 | 2011 |
Structure and mechanical properties of TiBN coatings fabricated by dc reactive sputtering technique L García-González, J Hernández-Torres, PJ García-Ramírez, ... Journal of materials processing technology 186 (1-3), 362-366, 2007 | 27 | 2007 |
Design and development of a MOEMS accelerometer using SOI technology J Mireles Jr, Á Sauceda, A Jiménez, M Ramos, R Gonzalez-Landaeta Micromachines 14 (1), 231, 2023 | 14 | 2023 |
Fabricación de biosensores piezoeléctricos para la lectura de interacciones antígeno-anticuerpo JM Hernández-Lara, C Mendoza-Barrera, V Altuzar, S Muñoz-Aguirre, ... Revista mexicana de física E 58 (1), 67-74, 2012 | 9 | 2012 |
Compliant MEMS mechanism to extend resolution in Fourier transform spectroscopy A Sauceda-Carvajal, HD Kennedy-Cabrera, J Hernández-Torres, ... Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology XIX 8973, 203-211, 2014 | 8 | 2014 |
Analysis of hardness of nanocrystalline coatings of aluminum-rich Ti1 − x Al x N J Hernández-Torres, L Garcia-Gonzalez, L Zamora-Peredo, ... Bulletin of Materials Science 35, 733-738, 2012 | 8 | 2012 |
Antialiasing filter with high-pupil apertures AS Carvajal, J Ojeda-Castaneda, J Santamaria 18th Congress of the International Commission for Optics 3749, 767-767, 1999 | 8 | 1999 |
Random gratings as correlator sensors J Ojeda-Castañeda, A Sauceda Optics letters 22 (5), 257-258, 1997 | 6 | 1997 |
Study of cantilever structures based on piezoelectric materials for energy harvesting at low frequency of vibration R Ambrosio, H Gonzalez, M Moreno, A Torres, R Martinez, E Robles, ... Advanced Materials Research 976, 159-163, 2014 | 5 | 2014 |
Relationship between crystalline structure and hardness of Ti-Si-NO coatings fabricated by dc sputtering L García-González, J Hernández-Torres, C Mendoza-Barrera, ... Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 17, 580-585, 2008 | 5 | 2008 |
High light-throughput noncoherent channels CM Gómez-Sarabia, L Ledesma-Carrillo, A Sauceda-Carvajal, ... Optics Communications 498, 127228, 2021 | 4 | 2021 |
Fabricación y caracterización de un amplificador mecánico flexible HD Kennedy-Cabrera, J Hernández-Torres, AL Herrera-May, ... Revista mexicana de fisica 60 (4), 282-289, 2014 | 4 | 2014 |
Structural characterization of protein microsensors arrays by means of optical profilometry and AFM C Mendoza-Barrera, GE Martínez-Ortigoza, V Altuzar, JC Tinoco-Magaña, ... Superficies y vacío 29 (2), 43-48, 2016 | 3 | 2016 |
Pseudo zone plate for extended focal depth J Ojeda-Castañeda, Á Sauceda-Carvajal, JEA Landgrave Optical Memory and Neural Networks 18, 164-170, 2009 | 3 | 2009 |
Tunable focal depth by random superposition J Ojeda-Castañeda, A Sauceda Optical Memory and Neural Networks 8 (2), 81-86, 1999 | 3 | 1999 |
Thermoelectrical characterization and comparative analysis of three finite element models of a MEMS thermal sensor M Gómez Franco, A Sauceda Carvajal, A Ramírez Treviño, E Figueras Superficies y vacío 31 (2), 33-38, 2018 | 1 | 2018 |
Convertidor RF-CD para aplicaciones en etiquetas pasivas RFID J Martínez-Castillo, PJ García-Ramirez, L García-González, ... Superficies y vacío 24 (1), 14-19, 2011 | 1 | 2011 |
Dynamic noise elimination on 2-D periodic structures using a liquid crystal display as an incoherent reconfigurable spatial source A Sauceda-Carvajal, J Ibarra-Galitzia, G Ramírez-Zavaleta, ... Optical Engineering 46 (5), 058001-058001-7, 2007 | 1 | 2007 |