Gonzalo Ramírez García
Gonzalo Ramírez García
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México - Centro de Física Aplicada y Tecnología Avanzada
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Cited by
Chemically engineered persistent luminescence nanoprobes for bioimaging
T Lécuyer, E Teston, G Ramirez-Garcia, T Maldiney, B Viana, J Seguin, ...
Theranostics 6 (13), 2488, 2016
Ultrasensitive SERS Substrate for Label-Free Therapeutic-Drug Monitoring of Paclitaxel and Cyclophosphamide in Blood Serum
SS Panikar, G Ramírez-García, S Sidhik, T Lopez-Luke, ...
Analytical chemistry 91 (3), 2100-2111, 2018
Effect of RVC porosity on the performance of PbO2 composite coatings with titanate nanotubes for the electrochemical oxidation of azo dyes
G Ramírez, FJ Recio, P Herrasti, C Ponce-de-León, I Sirés
Electrochimica Acta 204, 9-17, 2016
Long-term toxicological effects of persistent luminescence nanoparticles after intravenous injection in mice
G Ramírez-García, S Gutiérrez-Granados, MA Gallegos-Corona, ...
International journal of pharmaceutics 532 (2), 686-695, 2017
Novel anti-HER2 peptide-conjugated theranostic nanoliposomes combining NaYF 4: Yb, Er nanoparticles for NIR-activated bioimaging and chemo-photodynamic therapy against breast …
SS Panikar, G Ramírez-García, AA Vallejo-Cardona, N Banu, ...
Nanoscale 11 (43), 20598-20613, 2019
An immunoconjugated up-conversion nanocomplex for selective imaging and photodynamic therapy against HER2-positive breast cancer
G Ramírez-García, SS Panikar, T López-Luke, V Piazza, ...
Nanoscale 10 (21), 10154-10165, 2018
Electromigration separation methodologies for the characterization of nanoparticles and the evaluation of their behaviour in biological systems
L Trapiella-Alfonso, G Ramírez-García, F d'Orlye, A Varenne
TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry 84, 121-130, 2016
Microwave‐assisted synthesis and luminescent activity of imidazo[1,2‐a]pyridine derivatives
JC Rodríguez, RA Maldonado, G Ramírez‐García, E Díaz Cervantes, ...
Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry 57 (5), 2279-2287, 2020
Stealth modified bottom up SERS substrates for label-free therapeutic drug monitoring of doxorubicin in blood serum
DRE Surendra Panikar S., Banu N., Reza Escobar E., Ramírez-García Gonzalo ...
Talanta 218 (121138), 2020
Controlling trapping states on selective theranostic core@ shell (NaYF 4: Yb, Tm@ TiO 2-ZrO 2) nanocomplexes for enhanced NIR-activated photodynamic therapy against breast …
G Ramírez-García, E De la Rosa, T López-Luke, SS Panikar, P Salas
Dalton Transactions 48 (27), 9962-9973, 2019
Electrophoretic Methods for Characterizing Nanoparticles and Evaluating Their Bio-interactions for Their Further Use as Diagnostic, Imaging, or Therapeutic Tools
G Ramírez-García, L Trapiella-Alfonso, F d’Orlyé, A Varenne
Capillary Electromigration Separation Methods, 397-421, 2018
Functionalization and characterization of persistent luminescence nanoparticles by dynamic light scattering, laser Doppler and capillary electrophoresis
G Ramírez-García, F d'Orlyé, S Gutiérrez-Granados, M Martínez-Alfaro, ...
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 136, 272-281, 2015
Theranostic nanocomplex of gold-decorated upconversion nanoparticles for optical imaging and temperature-controlled photothermal therapy
G Ramírez-García, MÁ Honorato-Colin, E De la Rosa, T López-Luke, ...
Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 384, 112053, 2019
Melatonin reduces lead levels in blood, brain and bone and increases lead excretion in rats subjected to subacute lead treatment
E Hernández-Plata, F Quiroz-Compeán, G Ramírez-Garcia, EY Barrientos, ...
Toxicology letters 233 (2), 78-83, 2015
Photo-stimulation of persistent luminescence nanoparticles enhances cancer cells death
G Ramírez-García, M Martínez-Alfaro, F d’Orlyé, F Bedioui, N Mignet, ...
International journal of pharmaceutics 532 (2), 696-703, 2017
Electrokinetic Hummel-Dreyer characterization of nanoparticle-plasma protein corona: The non-specific interactions between PEG-modified persistent luminescence nanoparticles …
G Ramírez-García, F d’Orlyé, S Gutiérrez-Granados, M Martínez-Alfaro, ...
Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces 159, 437-444, 2017
Ligand-targeted Theranostic Liposomes combining methylene blue attached upconversion nanoparticles for NIR activated bioimaging and photodynamic therapy against HER-2 positive …
SS Panikar, G Ramírez-García, N Banu, AA Vallejo-Cardona, ...
Journal of Luminescence 237, 118143, 2021
A Turn-On Luminescence Method for Phosphate Determination Based on Fast Green-Functionalized ZrO2:Yb,Er@ZrO2 Core@Shell Upconversion Nanoparticles
G Ramírez-García, E Díaz Cervantes, O Mounzer, E De la Rosa, ...
Analytical chemistry 91 (22), 14657-14665, 2019
An anti-counterfeiting strategy based on thermochromic pigment activated by highly Yb3+ doped photothermal particles
J Molina-González, A Arellano-Morales, O Meza, G Ramírez-García, ...
Journal of Alloys and Compounds 850, 156709, 2021
Melatonin attenuates the effects of sub-acute administration of lead on kidneys in rats without altering the lead-induced reduction in nitric oxide
M Martínez-Alfaro, G Ramírez-García, S Gutiérrez-Granados, ...
Journal of Trace Elements in Medicine and Biology 27 (4), 364-369, 2013
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Articles 1–20