Guy Lapalme
Guy Lapalme
Professeur d'informatique, Université de Montréal
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A systematic analysis of performance measures for classification tasks
M Sokolova, G Lapalme
Information processing & management 45 (4), 427-437, 2009
The Combination of Symbolic and Numerical Computation or Three-Dimensional Modeling of RNA
F Major, M Turcotte, D Gautheret, G Lapalme, E Fillion, R Cedergren
Science 253 (5025), 1255-1260, 1991
Generating indicative-informative summaries with sumum
H Saggion, G Lapalme
Computational linguistics 28 (4), 497-526, 2002
Framework for abstractive summarization using text-to-text generation
PE Genest, G Lapalme
Proceedings of the workshop on monolingual text-to-text generation, 64-73, 2011
Frequency of insertion-deletion, transversion, and transition in the evolution of 5S ribosomal RNA
D Sankoff, RJ Cedergren, G Lapalme
Journal of Molecular Evolution 7, 133-149, 1976
Fully abstractive approach to guided summarization
PE Genest, G Lapalme
Proceedings of the 50th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational …, 2012
TransType: a computer-aided translation typing system
P Langlais, G Foster, G Lapalme
ANLP-NAACL 2000 Workshop: Embedded Machine Translation Systems, 2000
The design and building of Enchere, a distributed electronic marketing system
JP Banatre, M Banâtre, G Lapalme, F Ployette
Communications of the ACM 29 (1), 19-29, 1986
Evaluating Variants of the Lesk Approach for Disambiguating Words.
F Vasilescu, P Langlais, G Lapalme
Lrec, 2004
Legal text summarization by exploration of the thematic structure and argumentative roles
A Farzindar, G Lapalme
Text Summarization Branches Out, 27-34, 2004
Algorithms; A Functional Programming Approach
F Rabhi, G Lapalme
Addison-Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., 1999
Lakhas, an Arabic summarization system
FS Douzidia, G Lapalme
Proceedings of DUC 4, 128-135, 2004
User-friendly text prediction for translators
G Foster, P Langlais, G Lapalme
Proceedings of the 2002 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2002
Concept identification and presentation in the context of technical text summarization
H Saggion, G Lapalme
NAACL-ANLP 2000 Workshop: Automatic Summarization, 2000
A parallel insert method for the capacitated arc routing problem
L Chapleau, JA Ferland, G Lapalme, JM Rousseau
Operations Research Letters 3 (2), 95-99, 1984
Trans type: Development-evaluation cycles to boost translator's productivity
P Langlais, G Lapalme
Machine Translation 17, 77-98, 2002
TRANSCOL: A multi-period school bus routing and scheduling system
J Desrosiers, JA Ferland, JM Rousseau, G Lapalme, L Chapleau
TIMS Studies in the Management Sciences 22, 47-71, 1986
Prolog for natural language processing
A Gal, G Lapalme, H Somers
Wiley, 1991
A generalized k-opt exchange procedure for the MTSP
JY Potvin, G Lapalme, JM Rousseau
INFOR: Information Systems and Operational Research 27 (4), 474-481, 1989
Adaptive language and translation models for interactive machine translation
L Nepveu, G Lapalme, P Langlais, G Foster
Proceedings of the 2004 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language …, 2004
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