Francisco anguebes
Francisco anguebes
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Application of multivariable analysis and FTIR‐ATR spectroscopy to the prediction of properties in campeche honey
F Anguebes, L Pat, B Ali, A Guerrero, AV Córdova, M Abatal, JP Garduza
Journal of analytical methods in chemistry 2016 (1), 5427526, 2016
Physical and Chemical Properties of Biodiesel Obtained from Amazon Sailfin Catfish (Pterygoplichthys pardalis) Biomass Oil
LCSP F. Anguebes-Franseschi, A. Bassam, M. Abatal, O. May Tzuc, C. Aguilar ...
Journal of Chemistry 2019 (January), 1-12, 2019
Metal contents in sediments (Cd, Cu, Mg, Fe, Mn) as indicators of pollution of palizada river, Mexico
C Montalvo, CA Aguilar, LE Amador, JG Cerón, RM Cerón, F Anguebes, ...
Environment and Pollution 3 (4), 89-98, 2014
Condición y perspectivas de la meliponicultura en comunidades mayas de la reserva de la biósfera Los Petenes, Campeche, México
LA Pat Fernández, F Anguebes Franceschi, JM Pat Fernández, ...
Estudios de cultura maya 52, 227-254, 2018
Sorption of Pb(II) from Aqueous Solutions by Acid-Modified Clinoptilolite-Rich Tuffs with Different Si/Al Ratios
GGV Mohamed Abatal, Maria T. Olguín, América R. Vázquez Olmos, Joel Vargas ...
Applied Science 9 (12), 1-17, 2019
Removal of the Methylene Blue Dye (MB) with Catalysts of Au-TiO2: Kinetic and Degradation Pathway
FA María-Cruz Arias, Claudia Aguilar*, Mohamad Piza, Elvira Zarazua
Modern Research in Catalysis 10, 1-14, 2021
Optimization of Biodiesel Production from African Crude Palm Oil (Elaeis guineensis Jacq) with High Concentration of Free Fatty Acids by a Two-Step Transesterification Process
CMR Francisco Anguebes-Franseschi*, Atl Córdova-Quiroz, Julia Cerón-Bretón ...
Open journal Ecology 6 (1), 13-21, 0
Photocatalytic degradation of acetaminophen, tergitol and nonylphenol with catalysts TiO2/Ag under UV and Vis light
MAR C. A. Aguilar, · C. Montalvo, · B.B. Zermeño, · R. M. Cerón, · J. G ...
International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology 16 (mayo …, 2018
Esterification Optimization of Crude African Palm Olein Using Response Surface Methodology and Heterogeneous Acid Catalysis
CAAU Francisco Anguebes-Franseschi, Mohamed Abatal, Ali Bassam, Mauricio A ...
Energies 11 (1), 1-15, 2018
FTIR-ATR and multivariate calibration for the prediction of biodiesel concentration in petrodiesel blends
A Guerrero, F Anguebes, M Castelán, V Morales, R Garcia, AV Córdova, ...
Scientific Research Publishing, 2013
Raman Spectroscopy and Chemometric Modeling to Predict Physical-Chemical Honey Properties from Campeche, Mexico
AB F. Anguebes-Franseschi, M. Abatal, Lucio Pat, A. Flores, L. San Pedro, O ...
Molecules 24 (22), 1-18, 2019
Impacto de los cambios en el ingreso sobre la demanda de carnes en México
D Martínez Luis, I Caamal Cauich, LA Pat Fernández, A Pérez Fernández, ...
Revista mexicana de ciencias agrícolas 10 (3), 511-523, 2019
Spatial and temporal distribution of throughfall deposition of nitrogen and sulfur in the mangrove forests associated to Terminos Lagoon
RM Cerón, JG Cerón, M Muriel, F Anguebes, M Ramírez, J Zavala, ...
Current Air Quality Issues, 147-164, 2015
Optimización de la síntesis de biodiésel a partir de aceite crudo de Palma Africana (Elaeis guineensis Jacq)
EBR Armando Guerrero-Peña, Francisco Anguebes-Franseschi*, Mepivoseth ...
Agrociencia 47 (7), 649-659, 2013
Effect of kinetics on the photocatalytic degradation of acetaminophen and the distribution of major intermediate with anatase-Ag synthesized by sol gel under visible irradiation
FA Claudia Aguilar, Alberto de la Cruz, Carlos Montalvo, Alejandro Ruiz ...
Front. Environ. Sci. 10, 1-11, 2022
Condition and perspectives of meliponiculture in mayan communities at Los Petenes biosphere reserve in Campeche, Mexico
RRR Lucio Alberto Pat Fernández, Francisco Anguebes Franceschi, Juan Manuel ...
Estudios de la Cultura Maya 52 (9), 227-254, 2018
Evaluación de la transesterificación del aceite de canola. Empleo de la espectroscpía infrarrojo con transformada de Fourier
F Anguebes Franseschi
Ingeniería Química, 238-242, 2011
Artificial neural networks for modeling and optimization of phenol and nitrophenols adsorption onto natural activated carbon.
OMT Y. El-Hamzaoui, M. Abatal, A. Bassam, F. Anguebes-Franseschi, O. Oubram ...
Desalination and Water Treatment, 58, 202-213, 2017
Throughfall deposition of N and S to mangrove ecosystems in the Southeast of Mexico
R Escoffie, R Cerón, J Cerón, E Guevara, C Carballo, J Benítez, ...
Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Environmental and …, 2014
Soft Computing Tools for Multiobjective Optimization of Offshore Crude Oil and Gas Separation Plant for the Best Operational Condition
AB José H. Mendoza, Rasikh Tariq, Luis F. Santis Espinosa, Francisco Anguebes
2021 18th International Conference on Electrical Engineering, Computing …, 2021
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