Barak Aharonson
Cited by
Cited by
Mapping the technological landscape: Measuring technology distance, technological footprints, and technology evolution
BS Aharonson, MA Schilling
Research Policy 45 (1), 81-96, 2016
Desperately seeking spillovers? Increasing returns, industrial organization and the location of new entrants in geographic and technological space
BS Aharonson, JAC Baum, MP Feldman
Industrial and corporate change 16 (1), 89-130, 2007
When does tapping external sources of knowledge result in knowledge integration?
D Tzabbar, BS Aharonson, TL Amburgey
Research Policy 42 (2), 481-494, 2013
Inventive and uninventive clusters: The case of Canadian biotechnology
BS Aharonson, JAC Baum, A Plunket
Research Policy 37 (6-7), 1108-1131, 2008
Exploring uncharted territory: Knowledge search processes in the origination of outlier innovation
MK Kneeland, MA Schilling, BS Aharonson
Organization Science 31 (3), 535-557, 2020
Industrial clustering and the returns to inventive activity: Canadian biotechnology firms, 1991-2000
BS Aharonson, JAC Baum, MP Feldman
Danish Research Unit for Industrial Dynamics Working Paper 4 (03), 2004
When is the whole bigger than the sum of its parts? Bundling knowledge stocks for innovative success
D Tzabbar, BS Aharonson, TL Amburgey, A Al-Laham
Strategic Organization 6 (4), 375-406, 2008
When do networks matter? A study of tie formation and decay
AV Shipilov, TJ Rowley, BS Aharonson
Ecology and strategy 23, 481-519, 2006
Imprinting through inheritance: A multi-genealogical study of entrepreneurial proclivity
S Ellis, BS Aharonson, I Drori, Z Shapira
Academy of Management Journal 60 (2), 500-522, 2017
Institutional pressure and an organization’s strategic response in Corporate Social Action engagement: The role of ownership and media attention
BS Aharonson, S Bort
Strategic Organization 13 (4), 307-339, 2015
Learning by hiring or hiring to avoid learning?
D Tzabbar, BS Silverman, BS Aharonson
Journal of Managerial Psychology 30 (5), 550-564, 2015
The structural evolution of multiplex organizational networks: research and commerce in biotechnology
TL Amburgey, A Al-Laham, D Tzabbar, B Aharonson
Network strategy, 171-209, 2008
Making a difference: Thoughts on management scholarship from the editorial team
M Kastanakis, S Robinson, Y Tsalavoutas, M Fernando, C Jonczyk, ...
European Management Journal 37 (3), 245-250, 2019
The importance of proximity and location
M Feldman, BS Aharonson, JAC Baum
Communication to the Conference Advancing Knowledge and the Knowledge …, 2005
Industrial clustering and the returns to inventive activity: Canadian biotechnology firms
B AhAronson, J BAum, MP Feldman
Rotman School Management, University of Toronto, 1108-1131, 2004
The interplay between exploration and exploitation in SMEs
U Stettner, BS Aharonson, TL Amburgey
Exploration and exploitation in early stage ventures and SMEs, 3-13, 2014
Industrial clustering and innovative output
BS Aharonson, JAC Baum, MP Feldman
Innovation and IT in an international context: R&D strategy and operations …, 2014
The influence of multinational corporations on international alliance formation behavior of colocated start-ups
BS Aharonson, S Bort, M Woywode
Organization Science 31 (3), 770-795, 2020
Learning by hiring or hiring to avoid learning? organizational exploitation via individuals’ exploitation
D Tzabbar, BS Silverman, BS Aharonson
Working paper, University of Toronto Rottman School of Business, 2006
Borrowing from neighbors: the location choice of entrepreneurs
BS Aharonson, JAC Baum, MP Feldman
DRUID Summer Conference, June, 2004
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Articles 1–20