Marcio G.P. Garcia
Marcio G.P. Garcia
Full Professor, PUC-Rio
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Capital controls in Brazil: effective?
M Chamon, M Garcia
Journal of International Money and Finance 61, 163-187, 2016
Propuesta para el manejo de información clínica basada en la NOM-168 por medio de un dispositivo móvil y la tecnología NFC-A proposal for clinic data management based on NOM …
SE García, ML Sánchez, JG González
ReCIBE, Revista electrónica de Computación, Informática, Biomédica y …, 2014
A risk management approach to emerging market's sovereign debt sustainability with an application to Brazilian data
M Garcia, R Rigobon
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2004
Real-time inflation forecasting with high-dimensional models: The case of Brazil
MGP Garcia, MC Medeiros, GFR Vasconcelos
International Journal of Forecasting 33 (3), 679-693, 2017
FX interventions in Brazil: a synthetic control approach
M Chamon, M Garcia, L Souza
Journal of International Economics 108, 157-168, 2017
Unit roots in the presence of abrupt governmental interventions with an application to Brazilian data
RC Cati, MGP Garcia, P Perron
Journal of applied Econometrics 14 (1), 27-56, 1999
Ineffective controls on capital inflows under sophisticated financial markets: Brazil in the nineties
BSM Carvalho, MGP Garcia
Financial markets volatility and performance in emerging markets, 29-96, 2008
Taxa de juros, risco cambial e risco Brasil
MGP Garcia, T Didier
Instituto de Pesquisa Econômica Aplicada (Ipea), 2003
Debt management in Brazil: evaluation of the Real Plan and challenges ahead
AS Bevilaqua, MGP Garcia
International Journal of Finance & Economics 7 (1), 15-35, 2002
Antidepressant effect and pharmacological evaluation of standardized extract of flavonoids from Byrsonima crassifolia
M Herrera-Ruiz, A Zamilpa, M González-Cortazar, R Reyes-Chilpa, ...
Phytomedicine 18 (14), 1255-1261, 2011
Mortality attributable to passive smoking in Spain, 2002
MJ López, M Pérez-Ríos, A Schiaffino, M Nebot, A Montes, C Ariza, ...
Tobacco control 16 (6), 373-377, 2007
Mercados futuro e à vista de câmbio no Brasil: o rabo abana o cachorro
A Ventura, M Garcia
Revista Brasileira de Economia 66, 21-48, 2012
Capital flows to Brazil in the nineties: macroeconomic aspects and the effectiveness of capital controls
MGP Garcia, A Barcinski
Pontifícia Universida de Católica de Rio de Janeiro, Departamento de Economía, 1996
O prêmio de risco da taxa de câmbio no Brasil durante o Plano Real
M Garcia, G Olivares
Revista Brasileira de Economia 55, 151-182, 2001
Monetary policy during Brazil's Real Plan: estimating the Central Bank's reaction function
MJS Salgado, MGP Garcia, MC Medeiros
Revista Brasileira de Economia 59, 61-79, 2005
Avoiding some costs of inflation and crawling toward hyperinflation: The case of the Brazilian domestic currency substitute
MGP Garcia
Journal of Development Economics 51 (1), 139-159, 1996
Capital flows, capital controls and currency crisis: the case of Brazil in the nineties
MGP Garcia, MVF Valpassos
Capital Controls and Currency Crisis: The Case of Brazil in the Nineties …, 1998
The monetary and fiscal history of Brazil, 1960-2016
J Ayres, M Garcia, DA Guillén, PJ Kehoe
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2019
DNDFs: a more efficient way to intervene in FX markets?
M Garcia, T Volpon
Texto para discussão, 2014
The Fisher effect in a signal extraction framework The recent Brazilian experience
MGP Garcia
Journal of Development Economics 41 (1), 71-93, 1993
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Articles 1–20