Daniel López Serna
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Cited by
Chemical composition of bulk precipitation and its toxicity potential index in the metropolitan area of Monterrey, Northeastern Mexico
D Loya-González, D López-Serna, JM Alfaro-Barbosa, A López-Reyes, ...
Environments 7 (12), 106, 2020
Synthesis and Characterization of a Lignin-Styrene-Butyl Acrylate Based Composite
MGSA Daniel López Serna, Perla Elizondo Martínez, Miguel Ángel Reyes ...
Polymers 11 (6), 1080, 2019
Kinetic study of photocatalytic degradation of the emerging contaminant bisphenol A using N–TiO2 in visible light: a study of the significance of dissolved oxygen
D López-Serna, SI Suárez-Vázquez, JC Durán-Álvarez, R Zanella, ...
Reaction Kinetics, Mechanisms and Catalysis 122, 655-670, 2017
Chemical composition, optical properties and sources of PM2.5 from a highly urbanized region in northeastern Mexico
JMABFELR Karim Acuña Askar1, Lucy T. González Hernández2*, Alberto Mendoza ...
Frontiers Environmental Sciences, 2022
Foto-oxidación de bisfenol A bajo la acción de luz visible: el monitoreo de oxígeno disuelto como evidencia de la degradación
D López Serna
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, 2015
Nanocompositos de ferritas mixtas sustituidas por tierras raras sintetizadas mediante el método sol-gel asistido por autocombustión.
CH Santana, TCH García, BI Kharissov, DL Serna
Quimica Hoy 13 (01), 3-8, 2024
Seasonal variation of atmospheric bulk deposition along an urbanization gradient in Nuevo Leon, Mexico
D Loya-González, I Cantú-Silva, H González-Rodríguez, D López-Serna, ...
Atmósfera 35 (3), 577-599, 2022
Seasonal variation of atmospheric bulk deposition along an urbanization gradient in Nuevo Leon, Mexico.
DL González, IC Silva, HG Rodríguez, DL Serna, JMA Barbosa
Atmósfera, 2021
Remoción de diésel en agua empleando un nuevo compósito lignina-estireno-butil acrilato
D López Serna
Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, 2020
Photocatalytic Degradation of Endocrine Disrupters Under Visible Light Action Using Nanostructured N-TiO2
DL Serna, JCD Álvarez, VHG Cobian, R Zanella, A Cruz-López
24th North American Catalysis Society Meeting, 2015
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Articles 1–10