Jorge A. Navarro Alberto
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Cited by
Métodos estatísticos multivariados: uma introdução
BFJ Manly, JA Navarro Alberto
Bookman Editora, 2019
Geographical and Seasonal Variation in the Richness of Ant‐Plant Interactions in México 1
V Rico‐Gray, JG García‐Franco, M Palacios‐Rios, C Díaz‐Castelazo, ...
Biotropica 30 (2), 190-200, 1998
Randomization, Bootstrap and Monte Carlo Mehtods in Biology. Fourth Edition.
BFJ Manly, JA Navarro Alberto
Randomization, bootstrap and Monte Carlo methods in biology, 1-14, 2020
Diversity of native bee visitors of cucurbit crops (Cucurbitaceae) in Yucatán, México
V Meléndez-Ramirez, S Magaña-Rueda, V Parra-Tabla, R Ayala, ...
Journal of Insect Conservation 6, 135-147, 2002
Microrelieve y color del suelo como propiedades de diagnóstico en Leptosoles cársticos
F Bautista-Zúñiga, J Jiménez-Osornio, J Navarro-Alberto, A Manu, ...
Terra Latinoamericana 21 (1), 1-11, 2003
Contamination by organochlorine pesticides in the aquifer of the Ring of Cenotes in Yucatán, México
AG Polanco Rodríguez, JA Navarro Alberto, JS Sánchez, GJM Rejón, ...
Water and Environment Journal 29 (1), 140-150, 2015
Female and male pollination success of Oncidium ascendens Lindey (Orchidaceae) in two contrasting habitat patches: forest vs agricultural field
V Parra-Tabla, CF Vargas, S Magaña-Rueda, J Navarro
Biological Conservation 94 (3), 335-340, 2000
Is Floral Longevity Influenced by Reproductive Costs and Pollination Success in Cohniella ascendens (Orchidaceae)?
L Abdala-Roberts, V Parra-Tabla, J Navarro
Annals of Botany 100 (6), 1367-1371, 2007
Bee diversity in a fragmented landscape of the Mexican neotropic
L Meneses Calvillo, V Meléndez Ramírez, V Parra-Tabla, J Navarro
Journal of insect Conservation 14, 323-334, 2010
Spatial and temporal variation of fish assemblages in a coastal lagoon of the Biosphere Reserve La Encrucijada, Chiapas, Mexico
E Velázquez-Velázquez, ME Vega-Cendejas, J Navarro-Alberto
Revista de Biología Tropical 56 (2), 557-574, 2008
Growth, survival and physiological condition of Octopus maya when fed a successful formulated diet
R Martínez, P Gallardo, C Pascual, J Navarro, A Sánchez, ...
Aquaculture 426, 310-317, 2014
Introduction to Ecological Sampling
BFJ Manly, JA Navarro Alberto
CRC Press, 2015
Diversidad y origen geográfico del recurso vegetal en los huertos familiares de Quintana Roo, México
J Kantún-Balam, JS Flores, J Tun-Garrido, J Navarro-Alberto, ...
Polibotánica, 163-196, 2013
Comparación de medidas de desviación para validar modelos sin sesgo, sesgo constante o proporcional
S Medina-Peralta, L Vargas-Villamil, J Navarro-Alberto, C Canul-Pech, ...
Universidad y ciencia 26 (3), 255-263, 2010
Potential impact of neonicotinoid use on Northern bobwhite (Colinus virginianus) in Texas: A historical analysis
HMH Ertl, MA Mora, DJ Brightsmith, JA Navarro-Alberto
PLoS One 13 (1), e0191100, 2018
Patterns of intranidal temperature fluctuation for Melipona beecheii colonies in natural nesting cavities
H Moo-Valle, JJG Quezada-Euán, J Navarro, LA Rodriguez-Carvajal
Journal of Apicultural Research 39 (1-2), 3-7, 2000
Dung removal by dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae) and macrocyclic lactone use on cattle ranches of Yucatan, Mexico
GS Basto-Estrella, RI Rodríguez-Vivas, H Delfín-González, ...
Revista de Biología Tropical 64 (3), 945-954, 2016
Percepción social de los problemas ambientales en Yucatán, México
F Bautista, A Balancán, J Navarro, G Bocco
Teoría y Praxis 9, 33-54, 2011
Risk perception and chronic exposure to organochlorine pesticides in Maya communities of Mexico
ÁG Polanco Rodríguez, MI Riba López, TÁ DelValls Casillas, ...
Human and ecological risk assessment: An international journal 21 (7), 1960-1979, 2015
Avispas depredadoras de áreas naturales protegidas del estado de Yucatán, México
M Vanoye-Eligio, V Meléndez-Ramírez, R Ayala, J Navarro-Alberto, ...
Revista mexicana de biodiversidad 86 (4), 989-997, 2015
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Articles 1–20