Gee Hee Hong
Cited by
Cited by
Financial frictions and the great productivity slowdown
R Duval, GH Hong, Y Timmer
The Review of Financial Studies 33 (2), 475-503, 2020
The cyclicality of sales, regular and effective prices: Business cycle and policy implications
O Coibion, Y Gorodnichenko, GH Hong
American Economic Review 105 (3), 993-1029, 2015
Market structure and cost pass-through in retail
GH Hong, N Li
Review of Economics and Statistics 99 (1), 151-166, 2017
Dynamic connectedness of Asian equity markets
R Guimarães-Filho, GH Hong
IMF Working Papers, 2016
Pushed past the limit? How Japanese banks reacted to negative rates
GH Hong, J Kandrac
How Japanese Banks Reacted to Negative Rates (March 28, 2018), 2018
China and Asia in global trade slowdown
GH Hong, J Lee, W Liao, D Seneviratne
Journal of International Commerce, Economics and Policy 8 (01), 1750001, 2017
More slack than meets the eye? Recent wage dynamics in advanced economies
MGH Hong, Z Koczan, W Lian, MMS Nabar
International Monetary Fund, 2018
Rethinking the exchange rate impact on trade in a world with global value chains
KC Cheng, GH Hong, D Seneviratne, R van Elkan
International Economic Journal 30 (2), 204-216, 2016
Tierra fértil para los robots: la combinación de inteligencia artificial y robótica en Japón puede ser la respuesta a la rápida disminución de la fuerza laboral del país, pero …
T Schneider, GH Hong, A Van Le
Finanzas y desarrollo: publicación trimestral del Fondo Monetario …, 2018
Pushed past the limit? How Japanese banks reacted to negative interest rates
MGH Hong, J Kandrac
International Monetary Fund, 2018
Portfolio inflows eclipsing banking inflows: alternative facts?
MEM Cerutti, MGH Hong
International Monetary Fund, 2018
China's Changing Trade and the Implications for the CLMV
MK Mathai, GH Hong, SE Jung, JM Schmittmann, J Yu
International Monetary Fund, 2016
Singapore's export elasticities: A disaggregated look into the role of global value chains and economic complexity
EC Arbatli, GH Hong
IMF Working Paper, 2016
Productivity Drag from Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises in Japan
M Colacelli, MGH Hong
International Monetary Fund, 2019
The Real Effects of Monetary Shocks: Evidence from Micro Pricing Moments
GH Hong, M Klepaczy, E Pasten, R Schoenle
Manuscript, 2019
What Do Deviations from Covered Interest Parity and Higher FX Hedging Costs Mean for Asia
MGH Hong, A Oeking, MKH Kang, C Rhee
International Monetary Fund, 2019
Should Korea Worry about a Permanently Weak Yen?
MJ Ree, MGH Hong, S Choi
International Monetary Fund, 2015
Taxing “Sin Foods”—Obesity Prevention and Public Health Policy
C Chaufan, GH Hong, P Fox
New England Journal of Medicine 361 (24), e113, 2009
Food for thought: menu labeling as obesity prevention public health policy
C Chaufan, P Fox, GH Hong
Critical Public Health 21 (3), 353-358, 2011
Structural Changes in Japanese SMEs: Business Dynamism in Aging Society and Inter-Firm Transaction Network
GH Hong, A Ito, Y Saito, TNA Nguyen
Research Institute of Economy, Trade and Industry (RIETI), 2020
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Articles 1–20