Julio Waissman
Julio Waissman
Universidad de Sonora
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Two-step modeling of the biodegradation of phenol by an acclimated activated sludge
G Vázquez-Rodríguez, CB Youssef, J Waissman-Vilanova
Chemical Engineering Journal 117 (3), 245-252, 2006
Construction d’un Modele Comportemental pour la Supervision de Procedes: Application a une Station de Traitement des Eaux
J Waissman, M Aguilar, B Dahhou
These, Institut national Polytechnique de Toulouse, France, 2000
Wastewater treatment process supervision by means of a fuzzy automaton model
J Waissman, R Sarrate, T Escobet, J Aguilar, B Dahhou
Proceedings of the 2000 IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control …, 2000
Characterization of bio-chemical signals by inductive logic programming
A Doncescu, J Waissman, G Richard, G Roux
Knowledge-Based Systems 15 (1-2), 129-137, 2002
Evaluation of heliostat field global tracking error distributions by Monte Carlo simulations
LA Díaz-Félix, M Escobar-Toledo, J Waissman, N Pitalúa-Díaz, ...
Energy procedia 49, 1308-1317, 2014
Yager–Rybalov triple Π operator as a means of reducing the number of generated clusters in unsupervised anuran vocalization recognition
C Bedoya, J Waissman Villanova, CV Isaza Narvaez
Nature-Inspired Computation and Machine Learning: 13th Mexican International …, 2014
Heliostat image drift behavior for different error sources
M Escobar-Toledo, CA Arancibia-Bulnes, C Iriarte-Cornejo, J Waissman, ...
Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 6 (2), 2014
Compensation of heliostat drift by seasonal sampling
C Iriarte-Cornejo, CA Arancibia-Bulnes, I Salgado-Transito, J Waissman, ...
Solar energy 105, 330-340, 2014
Toward development of improved QPE in complex terrain using cloud-to-ground lightning data: A case study for the 2005 monsoon in southern Arizona
CM Minjarez-Sosa, CL Castro, KL Cummins, EP Krider, J Waissmann
Journal of Hydrometeorology 13 (6), 1855-1873, 2012
Généralisation du degré d'adequation marginale dans la méthode de classification LAMDA
J Waissman, J Aguilar, B Dahhou, G Roux
6èmes rencontres de la Société Francophone de Classification, Montpellier France, 1998
A digital real time image demosaicking implementation for high definition video cameras
J Garcia-Lamont, M Aleman-Arce, J Waissman-Vilanova
2008 Electronics, Robotics and Automotive Mechanics Conference (CERMA'08 …, 2008
Fuzzy model based iterative learning control for phenol biodegradation
M Mürquez, J Waissman, O Gutü
Foundations of Fuzzy Logic and Soft Computing: 12th International Fuzzy …, 2007
An improved QPE over complex terrain employing cloud-to-ground lightning occurrences
CM Minjarez-Sosa, CL Castro, KL Cummins, J Waissmann, DK Adams
Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology 56 (9), 2489-2507, 2017
Knowledge based measurement fusion in bio-reactors
J Aguilar-Martin, J Waissman-Vilanova, R Sarrate-Estruch, B Dahou
On-line event-based supervision of a biotechnological process
R Sarrate-Estrucho, J Aguilar-Martin, J Waissman-Vilanova
IFAC Proceedings Volumes 31 (10), 359-364, 1998
Knowledge-based signal analysis and case-based condition monitoring of a machine tool
J Aguilar-Martin, RS Estruch, J Waissman
Proceedings Joint 9th IFSA World Congress and 20th NAFIPS International …, 2001
Fuzzy automata identification based on knowledge discovery in datasets for supervision of a WWT process
J Waissman, C Ben-Youssef, G Vázquez
3rd International Conference on Sciences of Electronic Technologies of …, 2005
Building an Automaton for Condition Monitoring in a Biotechnological Process
J Waissman, R Sarrate, B Dahhou, J Aguilar-Martin
5th European Control Conference, Karlsruhe, Germany, 1999
Agents that help to avoid hyperthermia in young children left in a baby seat inside an enclosed car
JP Soto, J Waissman, P Flores-Pérez, G Muñoz-Sandoval
Nature-Inspired Computation and Machine Learning: 13th Mexican International …, 2014
Dynamic drift compensation for heliostats
C Iriarte-Cornejo, CA Arancibia-Bulnes, J Waissman, RE Cabanillas, ...
Energy Procedia 49, 2109-2117, 2014
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Articles 1–20