Yair Merlín-Uribe
Yair Merlín-Uribe
Independent researcher
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Cited by
Environmental and socio-economic sustainability of chinampas (raised beds) in Xochimilco, Mexico City
Y Merlín-Uribe, C González-Esquivel, A Contreras, L Zambrano, ...
International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 11 (3), 216-233, 2012
Urban expansion into a protected natural area in Mexico City: alternative management scenarios
Y Merlín-Uribe, A Contreras-Hernández, M Astier-Calderón, OP Jensen, ...
Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 1-14, 2012
Ecosystem service trade-offs, perceived drivers, and sustainability in contrasting agroecosystems in central Mexico
CE González-Esquivel, ME Gavito, M Astier, M Cadena-Salgado, ...
Ecology and Society 20 (1), 2015
Energy balance and greenhouse gas emissions in organic and conventional avocado orchards in Mexico
M Astier, Y Merlín-Uribe, L Villamil-Echeverri, A Garciarreal, ME Gavito, ...
Ecological indicators 43, 281-287, 2014
Management practices and diversity of flower visitors and herbaceous plants in conventional and organic avocado orchards in Michoacán, Mexico
L Villamil, M Astier, Y Merlín, R Ayala-Barajas, E Ramírez-García, ...
Agroecology and Sustainable Food Systems 42 (5), 530-551, 2018
Coffee, migration and climatic changes: challenging adaptation dichotomic narratives in a transborder region
C Ruiz-de-Oña, P Rivera-Castañeda, Y Merlín-Uribe
Social sciences 8 (12), 323, 2019
Tipología de estrategias campesinas en la caficultura orgánica de la Sierra Madre de Chiapas
Y Merlín-Uribe, F Charbonnier, A Contreras-Hernández, ...
Ecosistemas y recursos agropecuarios 5 (15), 411-423, 2018
New varieties of coffee: compromising the qualities of adaptive Agroforestry? A case study from southern Mexico
C Ruiz-de-Oña, Y Merlín-Uribe
Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems 5, 620422, 2021
Evaluación de dos sistemas de manejo de recursos naturales de Xochimilco con indicadores de sustentabilidad
Y Merlín Uribe
Instituto de Ecología, 2009
Sustainability: from concept to perception in organic coffee growers of the Sierra Madre de Chiapas.
Y Merlín-Uribe, AA González Cabañas, L Soto-Pinto, ...
Textual, 2019
Biodiversidad útil
Y Merlín Uribe
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2014
La sustentabilidad en los sistemas campesinos cafetaleros en la región Sierra de Chiapas
Y Merlín-Uribe
El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, 2018
Sustentabilidad del concepto a la percepción en cafetaleros orgánicos de la Sierra Madre de Chiapas
M Uribe, G Cabañas, L Soto Pinto, C Hernández, H Hernández
Typology of peasant strategies in organic coffee farming in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas
Y Merlín-Uribe, F Charbonnier, A Contreras-Hernández, ...
Ecosistemas y recursos agropecuarios 5 (15), 411-423, 2018
Management practices and diversity of flower visitors and herbaceous plants in conventional and organic avocado orchards in Michoacán, Mexico
V Echeverri, MD Astier Calderón, M Uribe, A Barajas, R García
La sustentabilidad en los sistemas campesinos cafetaleros en la región Sierra de Chiapas
M Uribe, L Soto Pinto
San Cristóbal de Las Casas, Chiapas, México El Colegio de la Frontera Sur, 0
Coffee, migration and climatic changes challenging adaptation dichotomic narratives in a transborder region
R de Oña Plaza, M Uribe
Estrategias de familias cafetaleras
L Soto Pinto, V Sandoval, M Uribe
Tipología de estrategias campesinas en la ca cultura orgánica de la Sierra Madre de Chiapas Typology of peasant strategies in organic co ee farming in the Sierra Madre de Chiapas
Y Merlín-Uribe, F Charbonnier, A Contreras-Hernández, OB Herrera, ...
Y Merlín-Uribe, L Villamil-Echeverri, JM Cruz, MA Calderón, ME Gavito
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Articles 1–20