Sergio Maturana
Sergio Maturana
Industrial and Systems Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
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An optimization approach for scheduling wine grape harvest operations
JC Ferrer, A Mac Cawley, S Maturana, S Toloza, J Vera
International Journal of Production Economics 112 (2), 985-999, 2008
A robust optimization approach to wine grape harvesting scheduling
C Bohle, S Maturana, J Vera
European Journal of Operational Research 200 (1), 245-252, 2010
On-site subcontractor evaluation method based on lean principles and partnering practices
S Maturana, LF Alarcón, P Gazmuri, M Vrsalovic
Journal of Management in Engineering 23 (2), 67-74, 2007
Improving planning reliability and project performance using the reliable commitment model
V González, LF Alarcón, S Maturana, F Mundaca, J Bustamante
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 136 (10), 1129-1139, 2010
A mixed-integer programming model for gas purchase and transportation
L Contesse, JC Ferrer, S Maturana
Annals of Operations Research 139, 39-63, 2005
A multiple stage approach for performance improvement of primary healthcare practice
MT Ramírez-Valdivia, S Maturana, S Salvo-Garrido
Journal of medical systems 35, 1015-1028, 2011
Scheduling production for a sawmill: A comparison of a mathematical model versus a heuristic
S Maturana, E Pizani, J Vera
Computers & Industrial Engineering 59 (4), 667-674, 2010
Scheduling production for a sawmill: A robust optimization approach
M Varas, S Maturana, R Pascual, I Vargas, J Vera
International Journal of Production Economics 150, 37-51, 2014
A multi-objective approach for supporting wine grape harvest operations
M Varas, F Basso, S Maturana, D Osorio, R Pezoa
Computers & Industrial Engineering 145, 106497, 2020
Site management of work-in-process buffers to enhance project performance using the reliable commitment model: Case study
V González, LF Alarcón, S Maturana, JA Bustamante
Journal of Construction Engineering and Management 137 (9), 707-715, 2011
The design and implementation of a prototype structured modeling environment
L Neustadter, A Geoffrion, S Maturana, Y Tsai, F Vicuña
Annals of Operations Research 38, 453-484, 1992
Designing a three-dimensional performance measurement system (SMD3D) for the wine industry: A Chilean example
L Valenzuela, S Maturana
Agricultural Systems 142, 112-121, 2016
Design and implementation of an optimization-based decision support system generator
S Maturana, JC Ferrer, F Barañao
European Journal of Operational Research 154 (1), 170-183, 2004
Issues in the design of modeling languages for mathematical programming
SV Maturana
European Journal of Operational Research 72 (2), 243-261, 1994
Assessing the benefits of labelling postponement in an export-focused winery
M Varas, S Maturana, S Cholette, A Mac Cawley, F Basso
International Journal of Production Research 56 (12), 4132-4151, 2018
Improving consistency in hierarchical tactical and operational planning using Robust Optimization
PP Alvarez, A Espinoza, S Maturana, J Vera
Computers & Industrial Engineering 139, 106112, 2020
Channel coordination on fixed-term maintenance outsourcing contracts
R Pascual, G Santelices, H Liao, S Maturana
IIE Transactions 48 (7), 651-660, 2016
Developing and implementing a production planning DSS for CTI using structured modeling
P Gazmuri, S Maturana
Interfaces 31 (4), 22-36, 2001
A possibilistic decision support system for imprecise mathematical programming problems
HA Jensen, S Maturana
International Journal of Production Economics 77 (2), 145-158, 2002
An Onsite Subcontractors's Evaluation Methodology
MI Vrsalovic
Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, 2004
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Artículos 1–20