Safety stock levels in modular product system using commonality and part families KE Hernández, E Olivares-Benítez, CA Zuñiga IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (3), 1387-1392, 2015 | 12 | 2015 |
Optimizing Safety Stock Levels in Modular Production Systems Using Component Commonality and Group Technology Philosophy: A Study Based on Simulation KE Hernandez-Ruiz, E Olivares-Benitez, JL Martinez-Flores, ... Mathematical problems in engineering 2016 (1), 9510201, 2016 | 7 | 2016 |
A multiobjective mathematical model for a humanitarian logistics multimodal transportation problem MS Romero-Mancilla, KE Hernandez-Ruiz, DL Huerta-Muñoz Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 2023 | 3 | 2023 |
Domótica: Sistema de seguridad y simulación de presencia en una vivienda utilizando al Controlador Lógico Programable K Hernández Ruiz UPAEP, 2011 | 1 | 2011 |
Inventory Management: Bi-objective Optimization Models for Mass Customization E Hernandez-Ruiz Kenneth, A Gonzalez-Tamayo Lizbeth | | 2022 |
Research Article Optimizing Safety Stock Levels in Modular Production Systems Using Component Commonality and Group Technology Philosophy: A Study Based on Simulation KE Hernandez-Ruiz, E Olivares-Benitez, JL Martinez-Flores, ... | | 2016 |
Emprendimiento Universitario KE Hernandez-Ruiz, LA González, M Herrera Tecnológico de Monterrey; …, 2015 | | 2015 |
Actitudes emprendedoras de los estudiantes universitarios KE Hernandez-Ruiz, LA Lagunes Emprendimiento en México: Reflexión y consideraciones 1, 197 páginas; ISBN …, 2015 | | 2015 |
Espíritu emprendedor y familias emprendedoras LA Lagunes, M Herrera, LA Gonzalez, KE Hernandez-Ruiz Tecnológico de Monterrey; …, 2013 | | 2013 |
Base de conocimiento para potenciar el emprendimiento y la empresarialidad familiar LA Lagunes, M Herrera, LA Gonzalez, KE Hernandez-Ruiz Tecnológico de Monterrey; …, 2012 | | 2012 |
A multiobjective mathematical model for a multimodal transportation problem in Humanitarian Logistics KE HERNANDEZ RUIZ, MS Romero Mancilla Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, 0 | | |