Productivity of southern Brazilian coffee plantations shaded by different stockings of Grevillea robusta AJ Baggio, PH Caramori, A Androcioli Filho, L Montoya Agroforestry systems 37, 111-120, 1997 | 110 | 1997 |
City “green” contributions: the role of urban greenspaces as reservoirs for biodiversity I MacGregor-Fors, F Escobar, R Rueda-Hernández, S Avendaño-Reyes, ... Forests 7 (7), 146, 2016 | 94 | 2016 |
Multi-taxonomic diversity patterns in a neotropical green city: a rapid biological assessment I MacGregor-Fors, S Avendaño-Reyes, VM Bandala, S Chacón-Zapata, ... Urban Ecosystems 18, 633-647, 2015 | 68 | 2015 |
Especies de macromicetos citadas de México: VII. Agaricales, parte II (1972-1987) VM Bandala Muñoz, G Guzmán, L Montoya Bello Rev. mex. micol, 205-50, 1988 | 51 | 1988 |
Wild edible mushrooms in Mexico: a challenge and opportunity for sustainable development I Chapela, L Montoya, M Palm, V Bandala Mycology in Sustainable Development: expanding concepts, vanishing borders …, 1997 | 50 | 1997 |
Los hongos del grupo de los poliporáceos conocidos en México VM Bandala, G Guzmán, L Montoya Revista Forestal (núm. esp. UANL) 13, 1-55, 1993 | 46 | 1993 |
New and interesting species of Lactarius from Mexico including scanning electron microscope observations L Montoya, VM Bandala, G Guzman Mycotaxon 57, 411-424, 1996 | 44 | 1996 |
Studies of the genus Pleurotus (Basidiomycotina), II. P. djamour in Mexico and in other Latin-American countries, taxonomic confusions, distribution and semi-industrial culture G Guzmán, L Montoya, D Salmones, VM Bandala Cryptogamic botany, 1993 | 38 | 1993 |
A new Gymnopus species with rhizomorphs and its record as nesting material by birds (Tyrannideae) in the subtropical cloud forest from eastern Mexico E César, VM Bandala, L Montoya, A Ramos MycoKeys, 21, 2018 | 34 | 2018 |
Two interesting records of boletes found in coffee plantations in eastern Mexico VM Bandala, L Montoya, D Jarvio Persoonia-Molecular Phylogeny and Evolution of Fungi 18 (3), 365-380, 2004 | 30 | 2004 |
Additional new records on Lactarius from Mexico. L Montoya, VM Bandala | 30 | 1996 |
Guía ilustrada de los hongos del Jardín Botánico Francisco Javier Clavijero de Xalapa, Veracruz y áreas circunvecinas S Chacón Xalapa, Veracruz, México Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Instituto …, 1995 | 30 | 1995 |
Studies on the genus Phylloporus in Mexico. I: Discussion of the known species and description of a new species and an new record L Montoya, VM BANDALA Mycotaxon 41 (2), 471-482, 1991 | 29 | 1991 |
Studies on Lactarius: a new combination and two new species from Mexico. L Montoya, VM Bandala | 26 | 2003 |
A new species and new records of Lactarius (subgenus Russularia) in a subtropical cloud forest from eastern Mexico L Montoya, VM Bandala Fungal Diversity 29 (6), 2008 | 25 | 2008 |
A comparative study of teleomorphs and anamorphs of Pleurotus cystidiosus and Pleurotus smithii G Guzmán, VM Bandala, L Montoya Mycological research 95 (11), 1264-1269, 1991 | 25 | 1991 |
A taxonomic revision of some American Crepidotus VM Bandala, L Montoya Mycologia 92 (2), 341-353, 2000 | 24 | 2000 |
Nuevos registros de los hongos alucinógenos del género Psilocybe en México y análisis de la distribución de las especies conocidas G Guzmán, L Montoya-Bello, VM Bandala-Muñoz Scientia Fungorum, 255-265, 1988 | 24 | 1988 |
" Nangañaña"(Tremelloscypha gelatinosa, Sebacinaceae), hongo silvestre comestible del bosque tropical deciduo en la depresión central de Chiapas, México V Manuel Bandala, L Montoya, R Villegas, TG Cabrera, MJ Gutiérrez, ... Acta botánica mexicana, 149-159, 2014 | 23 | 2014 |
Estudios sobre el género Pleurotus, V. Producción a nivel planta piloto de ocho cepas adscritas a cinco taxa D Salmones, G Mata, G Guzmán, M Juárez, L Montoya Revista Iberoamericana de Micología 12, 108-110, 1995 | 23 | 1995 |