Jamie Loizzo
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Cited by
Instructional design, facilitation, and perceived learning outcomes: An exploratory case study of a human trafficking MOOC for attitudinal change
SL Watson, J Loizzo, WR Watson, C Mueller, J Lim, PA Ertmer
Educational Technology Research and Development 64, 1273-1300, 2016
Adult MOOC Learners as Self-Directed: Perceptions of Motivation, Success, and Completion.
J Loizzo, PA Ertmer, WR Watson, SL Watson
Online Learning 21 (2), n2, 2017
MOOCocracy: The learning culture of massive open online courses
J Loizzo, PA Ertmer
Educational Technology Research and Development 64, 1013-1032, 2016
Instructor’s use of social presence, teaching presence, and attitudinal dissonance: A case study of an attitudinal change MOOC
SL Watson, WR Watson, J Richardson, J Loizzo
The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning 17 (3), 2016
Using virtual field trips to connect students with university scientists: Core elements and evaluation of zipTrips™
OA Adedokun, K Hetzel, LC Parker, J Loizzo, WD Burgess, ...
Journal of Science Education and Technology 21, 607-618, 2012
Examining instructor and learner experiences and attitude change in a journalism for social change massive open online course: A mixed-methods case study
J Loizzo, SL Watson, WR Watson
Journalism & Mass Communication Educator 73 (4), 392-409, 2018
Adults as self-directed and determined to set and achieve personal learning goals in MOOCs: learners’ perceptions of MOOC motivation, success, and completion
J Loizzo, PA Ertmer, WR Watson, SL Watson
Online Learning 21 (2), 10.24059, 2017
A field trip without buses: Connecting your students to scientists through a virtual visit
O Adedokun, LC Parker, J Loizzo, W Burgess, JP Robinson
Science Scope 34 (9), 52-57, 2011
Electronic field trips for science engagement: The Streaming Science model
J Loizzo, MJ Harner, DJ Weitzenkamp, K Kent
Journal of Applied Communications 103 (4), 2, 2019
Adult learners' perceptions of MOOC motivation, success, and completion: A virtual ethnographic study
JL Loizzo
Purdue University, 2015
Factors influencing participant perceptions of program impact: lessons from a virtual fieldtrip for middle-school students
OA Adedokun, LC Parker, J Loizzo, WD Burgess, JP Robinson
The Journal of Extension 49 (6), 9, 2011
In the field: Increasing undergraduate students' awareness of Extension through a blended project-based multimedia production course
J Loizzo, P Lillard
The Journal of Extension 53 (1), 27, 2015
Teaching convergence in 21st century undergraduate agricultural communication: A pilot study of backpack multimedia kits in a blended, project-based learning course
J Loizzo, A Borron, A Gee, PA Ertmer
Journal of Applied Communications 100 (2), 9, 2016
Project-based learning for developing digital literacy in undergraduate science communication
J Loizzo, NW Conner, KJ Cannon
NACTA Journal 62 (2), 142-150, 2018
Leveraging Skype in the classroom for science communication: A streaming Science–Scientist online approach
PN Beattie, J Loizzo, K Kent, CL Krebs, T Suits, JC Bunch
Journal of Applied Communications 104 (3), 9, 2020
Scientist online: entomologists' experiences engaging with school audiences through Skype in the classroom
CL Krebs, JL Loizzo, WA Stone, RW Telg
Frontiers in Communication 5, 576593, 2020
Bats and beyond: Communicating wildlife and climate change empathy to youth through an electronic field trip
PN Beattie, KW Kent, TE Suits, JL Loizzo, JC Bunch
Journal of Southern Agricultural Education Research 71 (1), 16-31, 2021
High school students’ perceptions of science and scientists improve following university-based online DNA day
S Barry, KA Stofer, J Loizzo, P DiGennaro
Journal of Biological Education 57 (5), 1170-1185, 2023
Labs and landscapes virtual reality: Student-created forest conservation tours for informal public engagement
W Stone, J Loizzo, J Aenlle, P Beattie
Journal of Applied Communications 106 (1), 8, 2022
Preservice teachers’ perceptions of science integration into secondary agriculture classrooms
N Conner, C Stripling, J Loizzo
Advancements in Agricultural Development 1 (3), 1-13, 2020
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Articles 1–20