Alfonso Torres Jacome
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Cited by
Chemical and morphological characteristics of ALD Al2O3 thin-film surfaces after immersion in pH buffer solutions
JM Reyes, BMP Ramos, CZ Islas, WC Arriaga, PR Quintero, AT Jacome
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 160 (10), B201, 2013
Electrical characterization of n-type a-SiGe: H/p-type crystalline-silicon heterojunctions
P Rosales-Quintero, A Torres-Jacome, R Murphy-Arteaga, ...
Semiconductor science and technology 19 (3), 366, 2003
FTIR and electrical characterization of a-Si: H layers deposited by PECVD at different boron ratios
A Orduña-Diaz, CG Treviño-Palacios, M Rojas-Lopez, R Delgado-Macuil, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: B 174 (1-3), 93-96, 2010
On the prediction of the threshold voltage degradation in CMOS technology due to bias-temperature instability
A Campos-Cruz, G Espinosa-Flores-Verdad, A Torres-Jacome, ...
Electronics 7 (12), 427, 2018
Fabrication, characterisation and modelling of integrated on-silicon inductors
R Murphy-Arteaga, J Huerta-Chua, A Dı́az-Sánchez, A Torres-Jácome, ...
Microelectronics Reliability 43 (2), 195-201, 2003
Self-organized and self-assembled TiO2 nanosheets and nanobowls on TiO2 nanocavities by electrochemical anodization and their properties
A Arenas-Hernandez, C Zúñiga-Islas, A Torres-Jacome, ...
Nano express 1 (1), 010054, 2020
Optical and compositional properties of amorphous silicon-germanium films by plasma processing for integrated photonics
WW Hernández-Montero, IE Zaldívar-Huerta, C Zúñiga-Islas, ...
Optical Materials Express 2 (4), 358-370, 2012
Very shallow boron junctions in Si by implantation and SOD diffusion obtained by RTP
JP Castillo, AT Jacome, O Malik, NT Lopez
Microelectronics Journal 39 (3-4), 678-681, 2008
Theoretical modeling and experimental investigation of MIS radiation sensor with giant internal signal amplification
A Malik, V Grimalsky, AT Jacome, D Durini
Sensors and Actuators A: Physical 114 (2-3), 319-326, 2004
Analysis, Synthesis and Characterization of Thin Films of a-Si: H (n-type and p-type) Deposited by PECVD for Solar Cell Applications
A Garcia-Barrientos, JL Bernal-Ponce, J Plaza-Castillo, ...
Materials 14 (21), 6349, 2021
Interdigitated microelectrode arrays based on non-cytotoxic a-sixc1-x: H for E. coli detection
J Herrera-Celis, C Reyes-Betanzo, A Torres-Jacome, A Hernández-Flores, ...
Journal of The Electrochemical Society 164 (13), B641, 2017
a-Si: H crystallization from isothermal annealing and its dependence on the substrate used
M Rojas-Lopez, A Orduña-Diaz, R Delgado-Macuil, VL Gayou, ...
Materials Science and Engineering: B 174 (1-3), 137-140, 2010
Influence of the a-SiGe: H thickness on the conduction mechanisms of n-amorphous-SiGe: H∕ p-crystalline-Si heterojunction diodes
P Rosales-Quintero, A Torres-Jacome, R Murphy-Arteaga, ...
Journal of applied physics 97 (8), 2005
Latchup prevention by using guard ring structures in a 0.8 µm bulk CMOS process
F Coyotl, A Torres
Superficies y vacío 17 (4), 17-22, 2004
Germanium metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors evanescently coupled with upper-level silicon oxynitride dielectric waveguides
JC Cervantes-González, D Ahn, X Zheng, SK Banerjee, AT Jacome, ...
Applied Physics Letters 101 (26), 2012
Fabrication of polysilicon microstructures using the PolyMEMS INAOE technology
D Diaz, F Quiñones, C Zuñiga, J Molina, J Hidalga, M Linares, P Rosales, ...
The 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, 1-5, 2011
Raman studies of aluminum induced microcrystallization of n+ Si: H films produced by PECVD
M Rojas-Lopez, VL Gayou, RE Pérez-Blanco, A Torres-Jácome, ...
Thin Solid Films 445 (1), 32-37, 2003
Current conduction mechanisms in n-type α-SiGe: H/p-type c-Si heterojunctions
P Rosales-Quintero, A Torres-Jacome, D la Hidalga-Wade, ...
Superficies y vacío 21 (2), 1-8, 2008
Morphological transformation and kinetic analysis in the aluminum-mediated a-Si: H crystallization
M Rojas-Lopez, A Orduña-Diaz, R Delgado-Macuil, VL Gayou, ...
Journal of non-crystalline solids 352 (3), 281-284, 2006
An improved substrate‐loss model to determine MOSFET drain, source and substrate elements
R Torres‐Torres, R Murphy‐Arteaga, A Torres‐Jacome
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 43 (2), 126-130, 2004
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Articles 1–20