Li Yan
Li Yan
Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies, Los Alamos National Laboratory
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Cited by
Review of magnetoelectric perovskite–spinel self-assembled nano-composite thin films
L Yan, Y Yang, Z Wang, Z Xing, J Li, D Viehland
Journal of materials science 44 (19), 5080-5094, 2009
Direct measurement of magnetoelectric exchange in self-assembled epitaxial BiFeO3–CoFe2O4 nanocomposite thin films
L Yan, Z Xing, Z Wang, T Wang, G Lei, J Li, D Viehland
Applied Physics Letters 94, 192902, 2009
Evolution of domain structures in Na1/2Bi1/2TiO3 single crystals with BaTiO3
J Yao, L Yan, W Ge, L Luo, J Li, D Viehland, Q Zhang, H Luo
Physical Review B 83 (5), 054107, 2011
Magnetoelectric and multiferroic properties of variously oriented epitaxial BiFeO3–CoFe2O4 nanostructured thin films
L Yan, Z Wang, Z Xing, J Li, D Viehland
Journal of Applied Physics 107 (6), 064106, 2010
Resonant bending mode of Terfenol-D/steel/Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 magnetoelectric laminate composites
Z Xing, S Dong, J Zhai, L Yan, J Li, D Viehland
Applied physics letters 89, 112911, 2006
Extremely high tunability and low loss in nanoscaffold ferroelectric films
OJ Lee, SA Harrington, A Kursumovic, E Defay, H Wang, Z Bi, CF Tsai, ...
Nano letters 12 (8), 4311-4317, 2012
Strategic plan of “Made in China 2025” and its implementation
M Huimin, X Wu, L Yan, H Huang, H Wu, J Xiong, J Zhang
Analyzing the impacts of industry 4.0 in modern business environments, 1-23, 2018
A small, linear, piezoelectric ultrasonic cryomotor
S Dong, L Yan, N Wang, D Viehland, X Jiang, P Rehrig, W Hackenberger
Applied Physics Letters 86, 053501, 2005
Epitaxial thin films of topological insulator Bi2Te3 with two-dimensional weak anti-localization effect grown by pulsed laser deposition
SX Zhang, L Yan, J Qi, M Zhuo, YQ Wang, RP Prasankumar, QX Jia, ...
Thin Solid Films 520 (21), 6459-6462, 2012
Room Temperature Ferrimagnetism and Ferroelectricity in Strained, Thin Films of BiFe0.5Mn0.5O3
EM Choi, T Fix, A Kursumovic, CJ Kinane, D Arena, SL Sahonta, Z Bi, ...
Advanced functional materials 24 (47), 7478-7487, 2014
A piezoelectric single crystal traveling wave step motor for low-temperature application
S Dong, L Yan, D Viehland, X Jiang, WS Hackenberger
Applied Physics Letters 92 (15), 153504, 2008
Triclinic phase in tilted (001) oriented BiFeO epitaxial thin films
L Yan, H Cao, J Li, D Viehland
Applied Physics Letters 94, 132901, 2009
Nonlinear high-temperature superconducting terahertz metamaterials
NK Grady, BG Perkins, HY Hwang, NC Brandt, D Torchinsky, R Singh, ...
New Journal of Physics 15 (10), 105016, 2013
Interface-enhanced defect absorption between epitaxial anatase TiO2 film and single crystal SrTiO3
MJ Zhuo, EG Fu, L Yan, YQ Wang, YY Zhang, RM Dickerson, ...
Scripta Materialia 65 (9), 807-810, 2011
Magnetoelectric effect in crystallographically textured BaTiO3 films deposited on ferromagnetic metallic glass foils
Z Wang, L Yan, Y Yang, JF Li, J Das, AL Geiler, A Yang, Y Chen, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 109 (3), 034102-034102-4, 2011
Magnetoelectric properties of flexible BiFeO3/Ni tapes
L Yan, M Zhuo, Z Wang, J Yao, N Haberkorn, S Zhang, L Civale, J Li, ...
Applied Physics Letters 101 (1), 2012
Using ultrashort optical pulses to couple ferroelectric and ferromagnetic order in an oxide heterostructure
YM Sheu, SA Trugman, L Yan, QX Jia, AJ Taylor, RP Prasankumar
Nature Communications 5 (1), 5832, 2014
The influence of Mn substitution on the local structure of Na0. 5Bi0. 5TiO3 crystals: Increased ferroelectric ordering and coexisting octahedral tilts
J Yao, W Ge, L Yan, WT Reynolds, J Li, D Viehland, DA Kiselev, ...
Journal of Applied Physics 111 (6), 2012
Multiferroic epitaxial Pb(Fe1/2Nb1/2)O3 thin films: A relaxor ferroelectric/weak ferromagnet with a variable structure
L Yan, J Li, C Suchicital, D Viehland
Applied physics letters 89 (13), 132913, 2006
Coexistence of coupled magnetic phases in epitaxial TbMnO3 films revealed by ultrafast optical spectroscopy
J Qi, L Yan, HD Zhou, JX Zhu, SA Trugman, AJ Taylor, QX Jia, ...
Applied Physics Letters 101 (12), 2012
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Articles 1–20