Ronald L. Phillips
Ronald L. Phillips
Regents Professor, University of Minnesota
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Plant Regeneration from Tissue Cultures of Maize1
CE Green, RL Phillips
Crop Science 15 (3), 417-421, 1975
Genetic instability of plant tissue cultures: breakdown of normal controls.
RL Phillips, SM Kaeppler, P Olhoft
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 91 (12), 5222-5226, 1994
Conserved noncoding genomic sequences associated with a flowering-time quantitative trait locus in maize
S Salvi, G Sponza, M Morgante, D Tomes, X Niu, KA Fengler, R Meeley, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 104 (27), 11376-11381, 2007
The chromosomal basis of somaclonal variation
M Lee, RL Phillips
Annual Review of Plant Physiology and Plant Molecular Biology 39 (1), 413-437, 1988
Diet, obesity, and risk of fatal prostate cancer
DA Snowdon, RL PHILLIPS, W Choi
American journal of epidemiology 120 (2), 244-250, 1984
Chromosome-specific molecular organization of maize (Zea mays L.) centromeric regions
EV Ananiev, RL Phillips, HW Rines
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 (22), 13073-13078, 1998
Development and availability of germplasm with high Type II culture formation response.
CL Armstrong, CE Green, RL Phillips
Conserved plant genes with similarity to mammalian de novo DNA methyltransferases
X Cao, NM Springer, MG Muszynski, RL Phillips, S Kaeppler, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 97 (9), 4979-4984, 2000
Plant breeding progress and genetic diversity from de novo variation and elevated epistasis
DC Rasmusson, RL Phillips
Crop science 37 (2), 303-310, 1997
Discovery of transposable element activity among progeny of tissue culture—derived maize plants
VM Peschke, RL Phillips, BG Gengenbach
Science 238 (4828), 804-807, 1987
Cytogenetic analysis of plants regenerated from oat (Avena sativa) tissue cultures; high frequency of partial chromosome loss
TJ McCoy, RL Phillips, HW Rines
Canadian Journal of Genetics and Cytology 24 (1), 37-50, 1982
Tissue culture-induced DNA methylation variation in maize.
SM Kaeppler, RL Phillips
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 90 (19), 8773-8776, 1993
Genetic implications of somaclonal variation in plants
VM Peschke, RL Phillips
Advances in genetics 30, 41-75, 1992
A molecular linkage map of cultivated oat
LS O'Donoughue, ME Sorrells, SD Tanksley, E Autrique, AV Deynze, ...
Genome 38 (2), 368-380, 1995
DNA-based markers in plants
RL Phillips, IK Vasil
Springer Science & Business Media, 2013
Evidence for the coincident initiation of homolog pairing and synapsis during the telomere-clustering (bouquet) stage of meiotic prophase
HW Bass, O Riera-Lizarazu, EV Ananiev, SJ Bordoli, HW Rines, ...
Journal of cell science 113 (6), 1033-1042, 2000
Cytological and molecular characterization of oat x maize partial hybrids
O Riera-Lizarazu, HW Rines, RL Phillips
Theoretical and Applied Genetics 93, 123-135, 1996
DNA amplification patterns in maize endosperm nuclei during kernel development
RV Kowles, RL Phillips
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 82 (20), 7010-7014, 1985
A knob-associated tandem repeat in maize capable of forming fold-back DNA segments: are chromosome knobs megatransposons?
EV Ananiev, RL Phillips, HW Rines
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 95 (18), 10785-10790, 1998
Toward positional cloning of Vgt1, a QTL controlling the transition from the vegetative to the reproductive phase in maize
S Salvi, R Tuberosa, E Chiapparino, M Maccaferri, S Veillet, ...
Plant molecular biology 48, 601-613, 2002
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