Nishant Sinha, MS, PhD
Nishant Sinha, MS, PhD
University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
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Predicting neurosurgical outcomes in focal epilepsy patients using computational modelling
N Sinha, J Dauwels, M Kaiser, SS Cash, M Brandon Westover, Y Wang, ...
Brain 140 (2), 319-332, 2017
The impact of epilepsy surgery on the structural connectome and its relation to outcome
PN Taylor, N Sinha, Y Wang, SB Vos, J de Tisi, A Miserocchi, AW McEvoy, ...
NeuroImage: Clinical 18, 202-214, 2018
Deep learning-based classification for brain-computer interfaces
J Thomas, T Maszczyk, N Sinha, T Kluge, J Dauwels
2017 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2017
Structural brain network abnormalities and the probability of seizure recurrence after epilepsy surgery
N Sinha, Y Wang, NM da Silva, A Miserocchi, AW McEvoy, J de Tisi, ...
Neurology 96 (5), e758-e771, 2021
Optimal control based seizure abatement using patient derived connectivity
PN Taylor, J Thomas, N Sinha, J Dauwels, M Kaiser, T Thesen, J Ruths
Frontiers in Neuroscience 9, 202, 2015
EEG hyperscanning study of inter-brain synchrony during cooperative and competitive interaction
N Sinha, T Maszczyk, Z Wanxuan, J Tan, J Dauwels
2016 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC …, 2016
Focal to bilateral tonic–clonic seizures are associated with widespread network abnormality in temporal lobe epilepsy
N Sinha, N Peternell, GM Schroeder, J Tisi, SB Vos, GP Winston, ...
Epilepsia, 2021
Normative intracranial EEG maps epileptogenic tissues in focal epilepsy
JM Bernabei*, N Sinha*, TC Arnold, E Conrad, I Ong, AR Pattnaik, ...
Brain, 2022
Quantitative approaches to guide epilepsy surgery from intracranial EEG
JM Bernabei, A Li, AY Revell, RJ Smith, KM Gunnarsdottir, IZ Ong, ...
Brain, 2023
Interictal intracranial electroencephalography for predicting surgical success: The importance of space and time
Y Wang, N Sinha, GM Schroeder, S Ramaraju, AW McEvoy, A Miserocchi, ...
Epilepsia 61 (7), 1417-1426, 2020
Integrating Network Neuroscience Into Epilepsy Care: Progress, Barriers, and Next Steps
N Sinha, GW Johnson, KA Davis, DJ Englot
Epilepsy Currents, 15357597221101271, 2022
Computer modelling of connectivity change suggests epileptogenesis mechanisms in idiopathic generalised epilepsy
N Sinha, Y Wang, J Dauwels, M Kaiser, T Thesen, R Forsyth, PN Taylor
NeuroImage: Clinical 21, 101655, 2019
Removal of interictal MEG-derived network hubs is associated with postoperative seizure freedom
S Ramaraju, Y Wang, N Sinha, AW McEvoy, A Miserocchi, J De Tisi, ...
Frontiers in neurology, 1099, 2020
An in silico approach for pre-surgical evaluation of an epileptic cortex
N Sinha, J Dauwels, Y Wang, SS Cash, PN Taylor
2014 36th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in …, 2014
White matter microstructural properties in bipolar disorder in relationship to the spatial distribution of lithium in the brain
J Necus, N Sinha, FE Smith, PE Thelwall, CJ Flowers, PN Taylor, ...
Journal of affective disorders 253, 224-231, 2019
Active sway control of a single pendulum gantry crane system using output-delayed feedback control technique
R Dey, N Sinha, P Chaubey, S Ghosh, G Ray
2010 11th International Conference on Control Automation Robotics & Vision …, 2010
Intracranial EEG Structure-Function Coupling and Seizure Outcomes After Epilepsy Surgery
N Sinha, JS Duncan, B Diehl, FA Chowdhury, J de Tisi, A Miserocchi, ...
Neurology, 2023
Improving automated diagnosis of epilepsy from EEGs beyond IEDs
P Thangavel, J Thomas, N Sinha, WY Peh, R Yuvaraj, SS Cash, ...
Journal of Neural Engineering, 2022
iEEG-recon: A fast and scalable pipeline for accurate reconstruction of intracranial electrodes and implantable devices
A Lucas, BH Scheid, AR Pattnaik, R Gallagher, M Mojena, A Tranquille, ...
Epilepsia, 2024
Resting state functional connectivity demonstrates increased segregation in bilateral temporal lobe epilepsy
A Lucas, EJ Cornblath, N Sinha, P Hadar, L Caciagli, SS Keller, L Bonilha, ...
Epilepsia 64 (5), 1305-1317, 2023
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