Floristic composition and structure of vegetation under isolated trees in neotropical pastures S Guevara, J Meave, P Moreno‐Casasola, J Laborde Journal of vegetation Science 3 (5), 655-664, 1992 | 302 | 1992 |
Sand movement as a factor in the distribution of plant communities in a coastal dune system P Moreno-Casasola Vegetatio 65 (2), 67-76, 1986 | 293 | 1986 |
Classification and ordination of coastal sand dune vegetation along the Gulf and Caribbean Sea of Mexico P Moreno-Casasola, I Espejel Vegetatio 66, 147-182, 1986 | 207 | 1986 |
Evaluación cuantitativa de la pérdida de humedales en México R Landgrave, P Moreno Casasola Investigación ambiental. Ciencia y política pública 4 (1), 19-35, 2012 | 138 | 2012 |
La topografía y el hidroperíodo: dos factores que condicionan la restauración de los humedales costeros FF Verdugo, PM Casasola, CMA Hernàndez, HL Rosas, DB Pardo, ... Boletín de la sociedad Botánica de México, 33-47, 2007 | 133 | 2007 |
Ecología de la vegetación de dunas costeras: factores físicos P Moreno-Casasola Biotica 7 (4), 577-602, 1982 | 119 | 1982 |
Patterns of plant species distribution on coastal dunes along the Gulf of Mexico P Moreno-Casasola Journal of Biogeography, 787-806, 1988 | 116 | 1988 |
Coastal sand dune vegetation: an extreme case of species invasion SA Castillo, P Moreno-Casasola Journal of Coastal Conservation 2, 13-22, 1996 | 107 | 1996 |
Germination response to temperature, salinity, light and depth of sowing of ten tropical dune species ML Martínez, T Valverde, P Moreno-Casasola Oecologia 92, 343-353, 1992 | 104 | 1992 |
Floristic composition and soil characteristics of tropical freshwater forested wetlands of Veracruz on the coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico DI Mata, P Moreno-Casasola, C Madero-Vega, G Castillo-Campos, ... Forest ecology and management 262 (8), 1514-1531, 2011 | 103 | 2011 |
Vegetación y flora de potreros en la sierra de Los Tuxtlas, México S Guevara, J Meave, P Moreno-Casasola, J Laborde, S Castillo Acta Botánica Mexicana, 1-27, 1994 | 103 | 1994 |
Coastal risk mitigation by green infrastructure in Latin America R Silva, D Lithgow, LS Esteves, ML Martínez, P Moreno-Casasola, ... Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers-Maritime Engineering 170 …, 2017 | 102 | 2017 |
Environmental and socio-economic sustainability of chinampas (raised beds) in Xochimilco, Mexico City Y Merlín-Uribe, CE González-Esquivel, A Contreras-Hernández, ... International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 11 (3), 216-233, 2013 | 96 | 2013 |
Diagnóstico de los manglares de Veracruz: distribución, vínculo con los recursos pesqueros y su problemática PM Casasola, JLR Galaviz, DZ Lomelí, MAO Pérez, ALL Domínguez, ... Madera y Bosques 8 (Es1), 61-88, 2002 | 89 | 2002 |
Ecología de la vegetación de dunas costeras: Estructura y composición en el Morro de la Mancha, Ver P Moreno-Casasola, E Van Der Maarel, S Castillo, ML Huesca, I Pisanty Biotica 7 (4), 491-526, 1982 | 87 | 1982 |
Comparing soil carbon sequestration in coastal freshwater wetlands with various geomorphic features and plant communities in Veracruz, Mexico JL Marín-Muñiz, ME Hernández, P Moreno-Casasola Plant and Soil 378, 189-203, 2014 | 84 | 2014 |
Forest structure, productivity and species phenology of mangroves in the La Mancha lagoon in the Atlantic coast of Mexico CM Agraz Hernández, C García Zaragoza, S Iriarte-Vivar, ... Wetlands Ecology and Management 19, 273-293, 2011 | 84 | 2011 |
Coastal sand dune vegetation of Tabasco and Campeche, Mexico S Castillo, J Popma, P Moreno‐Casasola Journal of vegetation science 2 (1), 73-88, 1991 | 79 | 1991 |
A comparative study of the effects of fluctuations in temperature and moisture supply on hard coat dormancy in seeds of coastal tropical legumes in Mexico P Moreno-Casasola, JP Grime, ML Martínez Journal of Tropical Ecology 10 (1), 67-86, 1994 | 78 | 1994 |
Composición florística, diversidad y ecología de humedales herbáceos emergentes en la planicie costera central de Veracruz, México P Moreno-Casasola, E Cejudo-Espinosa, A Capistrán-Barradas, ... Boletín de la sociedad botánica de México, 29-50, 2010 | 76 | 2010 |