Arjan Meddens
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Cited by
Spatiotemporal patterns of observed bark beetle‐caused tree mortality in British Columbia and the western United States
AJH Meddens, JA Hicke, CA Ferguson
Ecological Applications 22 (7), 1876-1891, 2012
Cascading impacts of bark beetle‐caused tree mortality on coupled biogeophysical and biogeochemical processes
SL Edburg, JA Hicke, PD Brooks, EG Pendall, BE Ewers, U Norton, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 10 (8), 416-424, 2012
Global satellite monitoring of climate-induced vegetation disturbances
NG McDowell, NC Coops, PSA Beck, JQ Chambers, C Gangodagamage, ...
Trends in plant science 20 (2), 114-123, 2015
Evaluating methods to detect bark beetle-caused tree mortality using single-date and multi-date Landsat imagery
AJH Meddens, JA Hicke, LA Vierling, AT Hudak
Remote Sensing of Environment 132, 49-58, 2013
Recent tree mortality in the western United States from bark beetles and forest fires
JA Hicke, AJH Meddens, CA Kolden
Forest Science 62 (2), 141-153, 2016
Biotic disturbances in Northern Hemisphere forests–a synthesis of recent data, uncertainties and implications for forest monitoring and modelling
M Kautz, AJH Meddens, RJ Hall, A Arneth
Global Ecology and Biogeography 26 (5), 533-552, 2017
Fire refugia: what are they, and why do they matter for global change?
AJH Meddens, CA Kolden, JA Lutz, AMS Smith, CA Cansler, ...
BioScience 68 (12), 944-954, 2018
Tree defence and bark beetles in a drying world: carbon partitioning, functioning and modelling
J Huang, M Kautz, AM Trowbridge, A Hammerbacher, KF Raffa, ...
New Phytologist 225 (1), 26-36, 2020
Evaluating the potential of multispectral imagery to map multiple stages of tree mortality
AJH Meddens, JA Hicke, LA Vierling
Remote Sensing of Environment 115 (7), 1632-1642, 2011
Observations and assessment of forest carbon dynamics following disturbance in North America
SJ Goetz, B Bond‐Lamberty, BE Law, JA Hicke, C Huang, RA Houghton, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences 117 (G2), 2012
Observations and modeling of aboveground tree carbon stocks and fluxes following a bark beetle outbreak in the western United States
EM Pfeifer, JA Hicke, AJH Meddens
Global Change Biology 17 (1), 339-350, 2011
Recent tree die‐off has little effect on streamflow in contrast to expected increases from historical studies
JA Biederman, AJ Somor, AA Harpold, ED Gutmann, DD Breshears, ...
Water Resources Research 51 (12), 9775-9789, 2015
Spatial and temporal patterns of Landsat-based detection of tree mortality caused by a mountain pine beetle outbreak in Colorado, USA
AJH Meddens, JA Hicke
Forest Ecology and Management 322, 78-88, 2014
Tree mortality from fires, bark beetles, and timber harvest during a hot and dry decade in the western United States (2003–2012)
LT Berner, BE Law, AJH Meddens, JA Hicke
Environmental Research Letters 12 (6), 065005, 2017
Disturbance refugia within mosaics of forest fire, drought, and insect outbreaks
MA Krawchuk, GW Meigs, JM Cartwright, JD Coop, R Davis, A Holz, ...
Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 18 (5), 235-244, 2020
Ecological insights from three decades of animal movement tracking across a changing Arctic
SC Davidson, G Bohrer, E Gurarie, S LaPoint, PJ Mahoney, NT Boelman, ...
Science 370 (6517), 712-715, 2020
Detecting unburned areas within wildfire perimeters using Landsat and ancillary data across the northwestern United States
AJH Meddens, CA Kolden, JA Lutz
Remote Sensing of Environment 186, 275-285, 2016
Carbon stocks of trees killed by bark beetles and wildfire in the western United States
JA Hicke, AJH Meddens, CD Allen, CA Kolden
Environmental Research Letters 8 (3), 035032, 2013
Patterns and causes of observed piņon pine mortality in the southwestern United States
AJH Meddens, JA Hicke, AK Macalady, PC Buotte, TR Cowles, CD Allen
New Phytologist 206 (1), 91-97, 2015
Integrating snow science and wildlife ecology in Arctic-boreal North America
NT Boelman, GE Liston, E Gurarie, AJH Meddens, PJ Mahoney, ...
Environmental Research Letters 14 (1), 010401, 2019
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Articles 1–20