Linda Pickard
Linda Pickard
Senior Research Fellow, London School of Economics
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Relying on informal care in the new century? Informal care for elderly people in England to 2031
L Pickard, R Wittenberg, A Comas-Herrera, B Davies, R Darton
Ageing & Society 20 (6), 745-772, 2000
A growing care gap? The supply of unpaid care for older people by their adult children in England to 2032
L Pickard
Ageing & Society 35 (1), 96-123, 2015
Future long-term care expenditure in Germany, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom
A Comas-Herrera, R Wittenberg, J Costa-Font, C Gori, A Di Maio, C Patxot, ...
Ageing & Society 26 (2), 285-302, 2006
Cognitive impairment in older people: future demand for long‐term care services and the associated costs
A Comas‐Herrera, R Wittenberg, L Pickard, M Knapp
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry: A journal of the psychiatry …, 2007
When is a carer’s employment at risk? Longitudinal analysis of unpaid care and employment in midlife in England
D King, L Pickard
Health & Social Care in the Community 21 (3), 303-314, 2013
Demand for long-term care: projections of long-term care finance for elderly people.
R Wittenberg, L Pickard, A Comas-Herrera, BP Davies, R Darton
PSSRU, 1998
Modelling an entitlement to long-term care services for older people in Europe: projections for long-term care expenditure to 2050
L Pickard, A Comas-Herrera, J Costa-Font, C Gori, A di Maio, C Patxot, ...
Journal of European social policy 17 (1), 33-48, 2007
Care by spouses, care by children: projections of informal care for older people in England to 2031
L Pickard, R Wittenberg, A Comas-Herrera, D King, J Malley
Social policy and society 6 (3), 353-366, 2007
Demand for long-term care for older people in England to 2031
R Wittenberg, L Pickard, A Comas-Herrera, B Davies, R Darton
Health Statistics Quarterly, 5-17, 2001
The effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of support and services to informal carers of older people
L Pickard
London: Audit Commission, 2004
European study of long-term care expenditure
A Comas-Herrera, R Wittenberg, L Pickard
Report to the European Commission, PSSRU, London School of Economics, London, 2003
Substitution between formal and informal care: a ‘natural experiment’in social policy in Britain between 1985 and 2000
L Pickard
Ageing & Society 32 (7), 1147-1175, 2012
The long road to universalism? Recent developments in the financing of long‐term care in England
A Comas‐Herrera, R Wittenberg, L Pickard
Social Policy & Administration 44 (4), 375-391, 2010
European Study of Long-Term Care Expenditure: Investigating the sensitivity of projections of future long-term care expenditure in Germany, Spain, Italy and the United Kingdom …
A Comas-Herrera, J Costa-i-Font, C Gori, A di Maio, C Patxot, L Pickard, ...
PSSRU, 2003
Informal Care for Older People Provided by Their Adult Children: Projections of Supply and Demand to 2041 in England; Report to the Strategy Unit (Cabinet Office) and the …
L Pickard
University of Kent at Canterbury, Personal Social Services Research Unit, 2008
Projecting long-term care expenditure in four European Union member states: the influence of demographic scenarios
J Costa-Font, R Wittenberg, C Patxot, A Comas-Herrera, C Gori, A Di Maio, ...
Social indicators research 86, 303-321, 2008
Carer break or carer‐blind? Policies for informal carers in the UK
L Pickard
Social Policy & Administration 35 (4), 441-458, 2001
Perceptions of unmet needs for community social care services in E ngland. A comparison of working carers and the people they care for
N Brimblecombe, L Pickard, D King, M Knapp
Health & social care in the community 25 (2), 435-446, 2017
Funding for Long-term Care for Older People: Lessons from other countries
C Glendinning, B Davies, L Pickard, A Comas-Herrera
Joseph Rowntree Foundation, 2004
Future demand for long-term care in the UK: A summary of projections of long-term care finance for older people to 2051
R Wittenberg, A Comas-Herrera, L Pickard, R Hancock
< bound method Organization. get_name_with_acronym of< Organization: Joseph …, 2004
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