Guillermo Espinosa-Reyes
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Exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and DNA damage as an indicator of environmental stress in fish of different feeding habits of Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico
DJ González-Mille, CA Ilizaliturri-Hernández, G Espinosa-Reyes, ...
Ecotoxicology 19, 1238-1248, 2010
An integrated health risk assessment approach to the study of mining sites contaminated with arsenic and lead
Y Jasso‐Pineda, G Espinosa‐Reyes, D González‐Mille, I Razo‐Soto, ...
Integrated Environmental Assessment and Management 3 (3), 344-350, 2007
Antitumor and immunomodulatory effects of Justicia spicigera Schltdl (Acanthaceae)
AJ Alonso-Castro, E Ortiz-Sánchez, F Domínguez, V Arana-Argáez, ...
Journal of ethnopharmacology 141 (3), 888-894, 2012
Assessment of DDT and DDE levels in soil, dust, and blood samples from Chihuahua, Mexico
FDB Martínez, A Trejo-Acevedo, AF Betanzos, G Espinosa-Reyes, ...
Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 62, 351-358, 2012
Effect of mining activities in biotic communities of Villa de la Paz, San Luis Potosi, Mexico
G Espinosa-Reyes, DJ González-Mille, CA Ilizaliturri-Hernández, ...
BioMed research international 2014, 2014
Evaluation of enzyme activities in long-term polluted soils with mine tailing deposits of San Luis Potosí, México
Á Martínez-Toledo, A Montes-Rocha, DJ González-Mille, ...
Journal of Soils and Sediments 17, 364-375, 2017
DNA damage in earthworms (Eisenia spp.) as an indicator of environmental stress in the industrial zone of Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico
G Espinosa-Reyes, CA Ilizaliturri, DJ Gonzalez-Mille, R Costilla, ...
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 45 (1), 49-55, 2010
Revisión de las metodologías sobre evaluación de riesgos en salud para el estudio de comunidades vulnerables en América Latina
CA Ilizaliturri, D González-Mille, NA Pelallo, G Domínguez, ...
Interciencia 34 (10), 710-717, 2009
Persistent organochlorine pollutants (POPs) and DNA damage in giant toads (Rhinella marina) from an industrial area at Coatzacoalcos, Mexico
DJ Gonzalez-Mille, G Espinosa-Reyes, NE Rivero-Pérez, ...
Water, Air, & Soil Pollution 224, 1781, 2013
Blood lead levels, δ-ALAD inhibition, and hemoglobin content in blood of giant toad (Rhinella marina) to asses lead exposure in three areas surrounding an …
CA Ilizaliturri-Hernández, DJ González-Mille, J Mejía-Saavedra, ...
Environmental monitoring and assessment 185, 1685-1698, 2013
DNA damage in different wildlife species exposed to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from the delta of the Coatzacoalcos river, Mexico
DJ González-Mille, CA Ilizaliturri-Hernández, G Espinosa-Reyes, ...
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 180, 403-411, 2019
DNA damage in earthworms by exposure of Persistent Organic Pollutants in low basin of Coatzacoalcos River, Mexico
G Espinosa-Reyes, R Costilla-Salazar, FJ Pérez-Vázquez, ...
Science of the Total Environment 651, 1236-1242, 2019
Wild rodents (Dipodomys merriami) used as biomonitors in contaminated mining sites
G Espinosa-Reyes, A Torres-Dosal, C Ilizaliturri, D Gonzalez-Mille, ...
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 45 (1), 82-89, 2010
Holistic health risk assessment in an artisanal mercury mining region in Mexico
AA Camacho-delaCruz, G Espinosa-Reyes, CA Rebolloso-Hernández, ...
Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 193, 1-10, 2021
Assessment of the polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) levels in soil samples near an electric capacitor manufacturing industry in Morelos, Mexico
IN Perez-Maldonado, RC Salazar, CA Ilizaliturri-Hernandez, ...
Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A 49 (11), 1244-1250, 2014
Chronic Disturbance Affects the Demography and Population Structure of Beaucarnea inermis, a Threatened Species Endemic to Mexico
G Rubio-Méndez, HA Castillo-Gómez, L Hernández-Sandoval, ...
Tropical Conservation Science 11, 1940082918779802, 2018
Persistent organic pollutants in Kemp's Ridley sea turtle Lepidochelys kempii in Playa Rancho Nuevo Sanctuary, Tamaulipas, Mexico
RRP Nava Montes AD, Espinosa Reyes G, Flores Ramírez R
Science of the Total Environment 739, 2020
Exposure assessment to persistent organic pollutants in wildlife: the case study of coatzacoalcos, Veracruz, Mexico
G Espinosa-Reyes, D González-Mille, C Ilizaliturri-Hernández, ...
T. Puzyn, y A. Mostrag-Szlichtyngeditores. Organic pollutants ten years …, 2012
Nondestructive biomarkers in giant toad (Rhinella marina) to assess the effect of complex mixture of pollutants in Coatzacoalcos River, Mexico
O Cruz-Santiago, IN Pérez-Maldonado, DJ González-Mille, ...
Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology 82, 103558, 2021
Threats, conservation actions, and research within 78 Mexican non-coastal protected wetlands
N De Gortari-Ludlow, G Espinosa-Reyes, J Flores-Rivas, J Salgado-Ortiz, ...
Journal for Nature Conservation 23, 73-79, 2015
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Artículos 1–20