Universal sex differences in the desire for sexual variety: tests from 52 nations, 6 continents, and 13 islands. DP Schmitt Journal of personality and social psychology 85 (1), 85, 2003 | 773 | 2003 |
Patterns and universals of adult romantic attachment across 62 cultural regions: Are models of self and of other pancultural constructs? DP Schmitt, L Alcalay, M Allensworth, J Allik, L Ault, I Austers, KL Bennett, ... Journal of cross-cultural psychology 35 (4), 367-402, 2004 | 571 | 2004 |
Social dominance in context and in individuals: Contextual moderation of robust effects of social dominance orientation in 15 languages and 20 countries F Pratto, A Çidam, AL Stewart, FB Zeineddine, M Aranda, A Aiello, ... Social Psychological and Personality Science 4 (5), 587-599, 2013 | 395 | 2013 |
Patterns and universals of mate poaching across 53 nations: the effects of sex, culture, and personality on romantically attracting another person's partner. DP Schmitt Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 86 (4), 560, 2004 | 329 | 2004 |
Fear and anger as predictors of motivation for intergroup aggression: Evidence from Serbia and Republika Srpska M Spanovic, B Lickel, TF Denson, N Petrovic Group Processes & Intergroup Relations 13 (6), 725-739, 2010 | 156 | 2010 |
Narcissism and the Strategic Pursuit of Short-Term Mating: Universal Links across 11 World Regions of the International Sexuality Description Project-2 AZ David Schmitt, Lidia Alcalay, Jüri Allik, Nebojša Petrović Psihologijske Teme 26 (1), 89-137, 2017 | 67* | 2017 |
From sensitive historical issues to history teachers’ sensibility: a look across and within countries T Goldberg, W Wagner, N Petrović Pedagogy, Culture & Society 27 (1), 7-38, 2019 | 51 | 2019 |
A century of victimhood: Antecedents and current impacts of perceived suffering in World War I across Europe P Bouchat, L Licata, V Rosoux, C Allesch, H Ammerer, I Bovina, ... European Journal of Social Psychology 47 (2), 195-208, 2017 | 47 | 2017 |
Struktura preferencija ličnih i društvenih ciljeva srednjoškolaca B Kuzmanović, N Petrović Psihologija 40 (4), 567-585, 2007 | 43 | 2007 |
Trust in scientific information mediates associations between conservatism and coronavirus responses in the US, but few other nations Q McLamore, S Syropoulos, B Leidner, G Hirschberger, K Young, RA Zein, ... Scientific Reports 12 (1), 3724, 2022 | 37 | 2022 |
The role of retributive justice and the use of international criminal tribunals in post‐conflict reconciliation M Li, B Leidner, N Petrović, SN Orazani, MS Rad European Journal of Social Psychology 48 (2), O133-O151, 2018 | 37 | 2018 |
Tell me what you are like and I will tell you what you believe in: Social representations of COVID-19 in the Americas, Europe and Asia JJ Pizarro, H Cakal, L Méndez, S Da Costa, LN Zumeta, M Gracia Leiva, ... University Institute of Lisbon, 2020 | 36 | 2020 |
Attitudes toward Arab ascendance: Israeli and global perspectives F Pratto, T Saguy, AL Stewart, D Morselli, R Foels, A Aiello, M Aranda, ... Psychological science 25 (1), 85-94, 2014 | 35 | 2014 |
Vrednosni ciljevi kao činioci političkih stavova i mnenja mladih B Kuzmanović, N Petrović Sociologija 50 (2), 153-174, 2008 | 34 | 2008 |
Youth subcultures and subversive identities N Božilović Facta universitatis-series: Philosophy, Sociology, Psychology and History 9 …, 2010 | 31 | 2010 |
Priručnik za roditelje mladih sportista L Bačanac, N Petrović, N Manojlović Beograd: Republički zavod za sport, 2009 | 24 | 2009 |
Psihološke osnove pomirenja između Srba, Hrvata i Bošnjaka N Petrović Institut za psihologiju Filozofskog fakulteta: Dokumentacioni centar” Ratovi …, 2005 | 24 | 2005 |
Međusobni stereotipi Hrvata, Bošnjaka i Srba u svetlu dvofaktorske teorije predrasuda N Petrović Sociologija 45 (1), 15-32, 2003 | 22 | 2003 |
Social identity complexity and inclusiveness as predictors of intergroup emotions M Branković, M Pavlović, I Žeželj, M Vladisavljević, O Jovanović, ... Primenjena psihologija 8 (4), 363-378, 2015 | 20 | 2015 |
Intergroup contact and ingroup identification as predictors intergroup attitudes and forgiveness in the Serbian context: The moderating role of exposure to positive information H Cakal, N Petrović Primenjena psihologija 10 (4), 477-497, 2017 | 18 | 2017 |