Katie Abrams
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Cited by
Data richness trade-offs between face-to-face, online audiovisual, and online text-only focus groups
KM Abrams, Z Wang, YJ Song, S Galindo-Gonzalez
Social Science computer review 33 (1), 80-96, 2015
Naturally confused: Consumers’ perceptions of all-natural and organic pork products
KM Abrams, CA Meyers, TA Irani
Agriculture and Human Values 27, 365-374, 2010
Ignorance is bliss. How parents of preschool children make sense of front-of-package visuals and claims on food
KM Abrams, C Evans, BRL Duff
Appetite 87, 20-29, 2015
Online Focus Groups
K Abrams, T Gaiser
The SAGE Handbook of Online Research Methods 2, 435-450, 2016
Encouraging safe wildlife viewing in national parks: Effects of a communication campaign on visitors’ behavior
KM Abrams, K Leong, S Melena, T Teel
Environmental Communication 14 (2), 255-270, 2020
Feeding the debate: A qualitative framing analysis of organic food news media coverage
C Meyers, K Abrams
Journal of applied communications 94 (3), 3, 2010
Branding the land grant university: Stakeholders' awareness and perceptions of the tripartite mission
K Abrams, C Meyers, T Irani, L Baker
The Journal of Extension 48 (6), 9, 2010
Inquiry-Based Instruction: How Is It Utilized, Accepted, and Assessed in Schools with National Agriscience Teacher Ambassadors?.
AC Thoron, BE Myers, K Abrams
Journal of Agricultural Education 52 (1), 96-106, 2011
Are Alternative Farmers Yielding Success with Online Marketing and Communication Tools for Their Social Capital and Business Viability?
KM Abrams, A Sackmann
Journal of Applied Communications 98 (3), 48, 2014
From opposite corners: Comparing persuasive message factors and frames in opposing organizations' websites
K Abrams, C Meyers
Journal of Applied Communications 96 (1), 6, 2012
Agriculturists personal and business use of online communication tools
K Shaw, C Meyers, E Irlbeck, D Doerfert, K Abrams, C Morgan
Journal of applied communications 99 (2), 3, 2015
Communicating strategically with generation me: Aligning students' career needs with communication about academic programs and available careers
LM Baker, T Irani, K Abrams
NACTA Journal 55 (2), 32-39, 2011
Using Prezi in the classroom
Q Settle, KM Abrams, LM Baker
NACTA Journal 55 (4), 105, 2011
Seeking and engaging: Case study integration to enhance critical thinking about agricultural issues
JL Akins, AJ Lamm, R Telg, K Abrams, C Meyers, B Raulerson
Journal of Agricultural Education 60 (3), 97-108, 2019
A little birdie told me about agriculture: Best practices and future uses of Twitter in agricultural communications
K Allen, K Abrams, C Meyers, A Shultz
Journal of Applied Communications 94 (3), 6-21, 2010
Matching local food messages to consumer motivators: An experiment comparing the effects of differently framed messages
KM Abrams, C Soukup
Journal of Applied Communications 101 (4), 3, 2017
Conversations with gatekeepers: An exploratory study of agricultural publication editors' decisions to publish risk coverage
KM Abrams, CA Meyers
Journal of Applied Communications 94 (1), 2, 2010
Communicating sensitive scientific issues: the interplay between values, attitudes, and euphemisms in communicating livestock slaughter
KM Abrams, T Zimbres, C Carr
Science Communication 37 (4), 485-505, 2015
Loss aversion and regulatory focus effects in the absence of numbers: Qualitatively framing equivalent messages on food labels
KM Abrams
Journal of Applied Communications 99 (3), 3, 2015
Managing media relations: Determining the reputation of land grant institutions from the perspective of media professionals
LM Baker, K Abrams, T Irani, C Meyers
Journal of Applied Communications 95 (2), 6, 2011
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Articles 1–20