Christian T. Lundblad
Christian T. Lundblad
Richard Levin Distinguished Professor of Finance, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
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Cited by
Does financial liberalization spur growth?
G Bekaert, CR Harvey, C Lundblad
Journal of Financial economics 77 (1), 3-55, 2005
Liquidity and expected returns: Lessons from emerging markets
G Bekaert, CR Harvey, C Lundblad
The review of financial studies 20 (6), 1783-1831, 2007
Regulatory pressure and fire sales in the corporate bond market
A Ellul, C Jotikasthira, CT Lundblad
Journal of Financial Economics 101 (3), 596-620, 2011
Emerging equity markets and economic development
G Bekaert, CR Harvey, C Lundblad
Journal of development Economics 66 (2), 465-504, 2001
Consumption, dividends, and the cross section of equity returns
R Bansal, RF Dittmar, CT Lundblad
The Journal of Finance 60 (4), 1639-1672, 2005
Growth volatility and financial liberalization
G Bekaert, CR Harvey, C Lundblad
Journal of international money and finance 25 (3), 370-403, 2006
What segments equity markets?
G Bekaert, CR Harvey, CT Lundblad, S Siegel
The Review of Financial Studies 24 (12), 3841-3890, 2011
Financial openness and productivity
G Bekaert, CR Harvey, C Lundblad
World development 39 (1), 1-19, 2011
Asset fire sales and purchases and the international transmission of funding shocks
C Jotikasthira, C Lundblad, T Ramadorai
The Journal of Finance 67 (6), 2015-2050, 2012
Global growth opportunities and market integration
G Bekaert, CR Harvey, C Lundblad, S Siegel
The Journal of Finance 62 (3), 1081-1137, 2007
The risk return tradeoff in the long run: 1836–2003
C Lundblad
Journal of Financial Economics 85 (1), 123-150, 2007
Equity market liberalization in emerging markets
G Bekaert, CR Harvey, CT Lundblad
Journal of Financial Research 26 (3), 275-299, 2003
Political risk spreads
G Bekaert, CR Harvey, CT Lundblad, S Siegel
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2014
The European Union, the Euro, and equity market integration
G Bekaert, CR Harvey, CT Lundblad, S Siegel
Journal of Financial Economics 109 (3), 583-603, 2013
Is historical cost accounting a panacea? Market stress, incentive distortions, and gains trading
A Ellul, C Jotikasthira, CT Lundblad, Y Wang
The Journal of Finance 70 (6), 2489-2538, 2015
Why do term structures in different currencies co-move?
C Jotikasthira, A Le, C Lundblad
Journal of Financial Economics 115 (1), 58-83, 2015
Political risk and international valuation
G Bekaert, CR Harvey, CT Lundblad, S Siegel
Journal of Corporate Finance 37, 1-23, 2016
Growth volatility and equity market liberalization
G Bekaert, CR Harvey, C Lundblad
Working Paper,(Duke University), 2002
Market efficiency, asset returns, and the size of the risk premium in global equity markets
R Bansal, C Lundblad
Journal of Econometrics 109 (2), 195-237, 2002
Heterogeneous taxes and limited risk sharing: Evidence from municipal bonds
T Babina, C Jotikasthira, C Lundblad, T Ramadorai
The review of financial studies 34 (1), 509-568, 2021
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Articles 1–20