Chester Schriesheim
Chester Schriesheim
Distinguished Professor of Management
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Fairness perceptions and trust as mediators for transformational and transactional leadership: A two-sample study
R Pillai, CA Schriesheim, ES Williams
Journal of management 25 (6), 897-933, 1999
Leader-member exchange (LMX) research: A comprehensive review of theory, measurement, and data-analytic practices
CA Schriesheim, SL Castro, CC Cogliser
The Leadership Quarterly 10 (1), 63-113, 1999
Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis: Guidelines, issues, and alternatives
AE Hurley, TA Scandura, CA Schriesheim, MT Brannick, A Seers, ...
Journal of organizational behavior, 667-683, 1997
Looking forward but learning from our past: Potential challenges to developing authentic leadership theory and authentic leaders
CD Cooper, TA Scandura, CA Schriesheim
The leadership quarterly 16 (3), 475-493, 2005
Assessing the construct validity of the job descriptive index: a review and meta-analysis.
AJ Kinicki, FM McKee-Ryan, CA Schriesheim, KP Carson
Journal of applied psychology 87 (1), 14, 2002
Leader-member exchange and supervisor career mentoring as complementary constructs in leadership research
TA Scandura, CA Schriesheim
Academy of management Journal 37 (6), 1588-1602, 1994
Improving construct measurement in management research: Comments and a quantitative approach for assessing the theoretical content adequacy of paper-and-pencil survey-type …
CA Schriesheim, KJ Powers, TA Scandura, CC Gardiner, MJ Lankau
Journal of Management 19 (2), 385-417, 1993
Development and application of new scales to measure the French and Raven (1959) bases of social power.
TR Hinkin, CA Schriesheim
Journal of applied psychology 74 (4), 561, 1989
The authentic leadership inventory (ALI): Development and empirical tests
LL Neider, CA Schriesheim
The leadership quarterly 22 (6), 1146-1164, 2011
Influence tactics used by subordinates: A theoretical and empirical analysis and refinement of the Kipnis, Schmidt, and Wilkinson subscales.
CA Schriesheim, TR Hinkin
Journal of applied psychology 75 (3), 246, 1990
Field studies of French and Raven's bases of power: Critique, reanalysis, and suggestions for future research.
PM Podsakoff, CA Schriescheim
American Psychological Association 97 (3), 387, 1985
Toward a contingency theory of leadership based upon the consideration and initiating structure literature
S Kerr, CA Schriesheim, CJ Murphy, RM Stogdill
Organizational behavior and human performance 12 (1), 62-82, 1974
Exploring work unit context and leader–member exchange: A multi‐level perspective
CC Cogliser, CA Schriesheim
Journal of organizational Behavior 21 (5), 487-511, 2000
Delegation and leader-member exchange: Main effects, moderators, and measurement issues
CA Schriesheim, LL Neider, TA Scandura
Academy of Management journal 41 (3), 298-318, 1998
Controlling acquiescence response bias by item reversals: The effect on questionnaire validity
CA Schriesheim, KD Hill
Educational and psychological measurement 41 (4), 1101-1114, 1981
Authentic leadership and positive organizational behavior: A meso, multi-level perspective
FJ Yammarino, SD Dionne, CA Schriesheim, F Dansereau
The leadership quarterly 19 (6), 693-707, 2008
An examination of" nonleadership": from laissez-faire leadership to leader reward omission and punishment omission.
TR Hinkin, CA Schriesheim
Journal of Applied Psychology 93 (6), 1234, 2008
Balance in leader and follower perceptions of leader–member exchange: Relationships with performance and work attitudes
CC Cogliser, CA Schriesheim, TA Scandura, WL Gardner
The Leadership Quarterly 20 (3), 452-465, 2009
Theories and measures of leadership: A critical appraisal of current and future directions
CA Schriesheim, S Kerr
Leadership: The cutting edge, 9-45, 1977
Psychometric properties of the Ohio State leadership scales.
C Schriesheim, S Kerr
Psychological bulletin 81 (11), 756, 1974
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Articles 1–20