Christopher J. Gilbert
Christopher J. Gilbert
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Fracture toughness and fatigue-crack propagation in a Zr–Ti–Ni–Cu–Be bulk metallic glass
CJ Gilbert, RO Ritchie, WL Johnson
Applied Physics Letters 71 (4), 476-478, 1997
Mechanisms for fracture and fatigue-crack propagation in a bulk metallic glass
CJ Gilbert, V Schroeder, RO Ritchie
Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 30 (7), 1739-1753, 1999
{ital In Situ} Toughened Silicon Carbide with Al-BC Additions
JJ Cao, WJ Chan, LC De Jonghe, CJ Gilbert, RO Ritchie
Journal of the American ceramic society 79 (2), 1995
Fatigue-crack growth and fracture properties of coarse and fine-grained Ti3SiC2
CJ Gilbert, DR Bloyer, MW Barsoum, T El-Raghy, AP Tomsia, RO Ritchie
Scripta materialia 42 (8), 761-767, 2000
Fatigue of a Zr-Ti-Cu-Ni-Be bulk amorphous metal: Stress/life and crack-growth behavior
CJ Gilbert, JM Lippmann, RO Ritchie
Scripta Materialia 38 (4), 537-542, 1998
Mechanics and mechanisms of fatigue damage and crack growth in advanced materials
RO Ritchie, CJ Gilbert, JM McNaney
International journal of solids and structures 37 (1), 311-329, 2000
Comparison of the corrosion behavior of a bulk amorphous metal, Zr41. 2Ti13. 8Cu12. 5Ni10Be22. 5, with its crystallized form
V Schroeder, CJ Gilbert, RO Ritchie
Scripta materialia 38 (10), 1481-1486, 1998
Light emission during fracture of a Zr–Ti–Ni–Cu–Be bulk metallic glass
CJ Gilbert, JW Ager, V Schroeder, RO Ritchie, JP Lloyd, JR Graham
Applied physics letters 74 (25), 3809-3811, 1999
Cyclic fatigue and resistance-curve behavior of anin situ toughened silicon carbide with AlBC additions
CJ Gilbert, JJ Cao, WJ MoberlyChan, LC DeJonghe, RO Ritchie
Acta materialia 44 (8), 3199-3214, 1996
Behavior of cyclic fatigue cracks in monolithic silicon nitride
CJ Gilbert, RH Dauskardt, RO Ritchie
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 78 (9), 2291-2300, 2005
Crack‐growth resistance‐curve behavior in silicon carbide: small versus long cracks
CJ Gilbert, JJ Cao, LC De Jonghe, RO Ritchie
Journal of the American Ceramic Society 80 (9), 2253-2261, 1997
EDTA sample contamination is common and often undetected, putting patients at unnecessary risk of harm
CL Sharratt, CJ Gilbert, MC Cornes, C Ford, R Gama
International journal of clinical practice 63 (8), 1259-1262, 2009
Cyclic fatigue in monolithic alumina: mechanisms for crack advance promoted by frictional wear of grain bridges
CJ Gilbert, RN Petrany, RO Ritchie, RH Dauskardt, RW Steinbrech
Journal of materials science 30 (3), 643-654, 1995
High-temperature cyclic fatigue-crack growth behavior in an in situ toughened silicon carbide
D Chen, CJ Gilbert, XF Zhang, RO Ritchie
Acta materialia 48 (3), 659-674, 2000
Fracture, fatigue and environmentally-assisted failure of a Zr-based bulk amorphous metal
RO Ritchie, V Schroeder, CJ Gilbert
Intermetallics 8 (5-6), 469-475, 2000
On the quantification of bridging tractions during subcritical crack growth under monotonic and cyclic fatigue loading in a grain-bridging silicon carbide ceramic
CJ Gilbert, RO Ritchie
Acta materialia 46 (2), 609-616, 1998
Effect of aqueous environment on fatigue-crack propagation behavior in a Zr-based bulk amorphous metal*
V Schroeder, CJ Gilbert, RO Ritchie
Scripta materialia 40 (9), 1057-1062, 1999
A comparison of the mechanisms of fatigue-crack propagation behavior in a Zr-based bulk amorphous metal in air and an aqueous chloride solution
V Schroeder, CJ Gilbert, RO Ritchie
Materials Science and Engineering: A 317 (1-2), 145-152, 2001
Microstructural mechanisms of cyclic fatigue-crack propagation in grain-bridging ceramics
CJ Gilbert, RH Dauskardt, RO Ritchie
Ceramics international 23 (5), 413-418, 1997
Back-face strain compliance and electrical-potential crack length calibrations for the disk-shaped compact-tension DC (T) specimen
CJ Gilbert, JM McNaney, RH Dauskardt, RO Ritchie
Journal of testing and evaluation 22 (2), 117-120, 1994
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Articles 1–20