Ramón Zatarain Cabada
Ramón Zatarain Cabada
Instituto Tecnológico de Culiacán
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Cited by
Impact of augmented reality technology on academic achievement and motivation of students from public and private Mexican schools. A case study in a middle-school geometry course
MB Ibáñez, AU Portillo, RZ Cabada, ML Barrón
Computers & Education 145, 103734, 2020
EDUCA: A web 2.0 authoring tool for developing adaptive and intelligent tutoring systems using a Kohonen network
RZ Cabada, MLB Estrada, CAR García
Expert Systems with Applications 38 (8), 9522-9529, 2011
Opinion mining and emotion recognition applied to learning environments
MLB Estrada, RZ Cabada, RO Bustillos, M Graff
Expert Systems with Applications 150, 113265, 2020
An affective and Web 3.0-based learning environment for a programming language
RZ Cabada, MLB Estrada, FG Hernández, RO Bustillos, CA Reyes-García
Telematics and Informatics 35 (3), 611-628, 2018
Hyperparameter optimization in CNN for learning-centered emotion recognition for intelligent tutoring systems
R Zatarain Cabada, H Rodriguez Rangel, ML Barron Estrada, ...
Soft Computing 24 (10), 7593-7602, 2020
Reconocimiento afectivo y gamificación aplicados al aprendizaje de Lógica algorítmica y programación
R Zatarain Cabada
Revista electrónica de investigación educativa 20 (3), 115-125, 2018
A virtual environment for learning computer coding using gamification and emotion recognition
R Zatarain Cabada, ML Barrón Estrada, JM Ríos Félix, G Alor Hernández
Interactive learning environments 28 (8), 1048-1063, 2020
Herramienta de autor para la identificación de estilos de aprendizaje utilizando mapas auto-organizados en dispositivos móviles
R Zatarain Cabada, ML Barrón Estrada
Revista electrónica de investigación educativa 13 (1), 43-55, 2011
Modeling student's learning styles in web 2.0 learning systems
R Cabada, M Estrada, L Sanchez, G Sandoval, J Velazquez, J Barrientos
World Journal on Educational Technology 1 (2), 75-88, 2009
Sentiment analysis in an affective intelligent tutoring system
ML Barrón-Estrada, R Zatarain-Cabada, R Oramas-Bustillos, ...
2017 IEEE 17th international conference on advanced learning technologies …, 2017
Opinion mining and emotion recognition in an intelligent learning environment
R Oramas Bustillos, R Zatarain Cabada, ML Barrón Estrada, ...
Computer Applications in Engineering Education 27 (1), 90-101, 2019
An affective learning environment for Java
RZ Cabada, MLB Estrada, FG Hernández, RO Bustillos
2015 IEEE 15th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies …, 2015
Recognition of learning-centered emotions using a convolutional neural network
F González-Hernández, R Zatarain-Cabada, ML Barrón-Estrada, ...
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems 34 (5), 3325-3336, 2018
A mixed approach for data warehouse conceptual design with MDA
RZ L Zepeda, M Celma
Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5073, 1204-1217, 2008
EmoRemSys: Sistema de recomendación de recursos educativos basado en detección de emociones
MB Lopez, AJH Montes, RV Ramírez, GA Hernández, RZ Cabada, ...
RISTI-Rev. Ibérica Sist. e Tecnol. Informação 17, 17.80-95, 2016
Patrony: A mobile application for pattern recognition learning
ML Barrón-Estrada, R Zatarain-Cabada, JA Romero-Polo, JN Monroy
Education and Information Technologies, 1-24, 2022
Emotion Recognition for Education using Sentiment Analysis.
ML Barron-Estrada, R Zatarain-Cabada, RO Bustillos
Res. Comput. Sci. 148 (5), 71-80, 2019
Mining of educational opinions with deep learning
RZ Cabada, MLB Estrada, RO Bustillos
Journal of Universal Computer Science 24 (11), 1604-1626, 2018
Designing empathetic animated agents for a B-learning training environment within the electrical domain
Y Hernández, M Pérez-Ramírez, R Zatarain-Cabada, L Barrón-Estrada, ...
Journal of Educational Technology & Society 19 (2), 116-131, 2016
A fuzzy-neural network for classifying learning styles in a web 2.0 and mobile learning environment
RZ Cabada, MLB Estrada, RZ Cabada, CAR García
2009 Latin American Web Congress, 177-182, 2009
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Articles 1–20