An epistemic and dynamic approach to abductive reasoning: Abductive problem and abductive solution FR Velázquez-Quesada, F Soler-Toscano, Á Nepomuceno-Fernández Journal of Applied Logic 11 (4), 505-522, 2013 | 34 | 2013 |
Towards abductive reasoning in first-order logic AL Reyes-Cabello, A Aliseda-Llera, Á Nepomuceno-Fernández Logic Journal of IGPL 14 (2), 287-304, 2006 | 25 | 2006 |
An epistemic and dynamic approach to abductive reasoning: selecting the best explanation Á Nepomuceno-Fernández, F Soler-Toscano, FR Velázquez-Quesada Logic Journal of the IGPL 21 (6), 943-961, 2013 | 24 | 2013 |
Forgetting complex propositions D Fernández–Duque, Á Nepomuceno–Fernández, E Sarrión–Morrillo, ... Logic Journal of the IGPL 23 (6), 942-965, 2015 | 18 | 2015 |
Model-Baded Abduction via Dual Resolution F Soler-Toscano, Á Nepomuceno-Fernández, A Aliseda-Llera Logic Journal of IGPL 14 (2), 305-319, 2006 | 18 | 2006 |
A modal framework for modelling abductive reasoning F Soler-Toscano, D Fernández-Duque, Á Nepomuceno-Fernández Logic Journal of IGPL 20 (2), 438-444, 2012 | 17 | 2012 |
Scientific explanation and modified semantic tableaux A Nepomuceno-Fernández Logical and Computational Aspects of Model-Based Reasoning, 181-198, 2002 | 15 | 2002 |
Abductive reasoning in dynamic epistemic logic A Nepomuceno-Fernández, F Soler-Toscano, FR Velázquez-Quesada Springer handbook of model-based science, 269-293, 2017 | 14 | 2017 |
The fundamental problem of contemporary epistemology Á Nepomuceno-Fernández, F Soler-Toscano, FR Velázquez-Quesada Teorema: Revista Internacional de Filosofía, 89-103, 2014 | 11 | 2014 |
Abduction via C-tableaux and δ-resolution F Soler-Toscano, Á Nepomuceno-Fernández, A Aliseda-Llera Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 19 (2), 211-225, 2009 | 11 | 2009 |
Información: tratamiento y representación Á Nepomuceno, JF Quesada, FJS Lamillar Universidad de Sevilla, Secretariado de publicaciones, 2001 | 10 | 2001 |
The iconic moment: towards a Peircean theory of scientific imagination and abductive reasoning F Bellucci, AV Pietarinen, O Pombo, A Nepomuceno, J Redmond Epistemology, knowledge, and the impact of interaction, 463-481, 2016 | 9 | 2016 |
Sistemas de cálculo como formas de logicismo ÁN Fernández Crítica: Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía, 15-35, 1993 | 9 | 1993 |
Scientific models of abduction: The role of non classical logic Á Nepomuceno Bas van Fraassen’s approach to representation and models in science, 121-141, 2014 | 7 | 2014 |
Metamodeling abduction Á Nepomuceno-Fernández, F Soler-Toscano THEORIA. An International Journal for Theory, History and Foundations of …, 2007 | 6 | 2007 |
Modelos de razonamiento abductivo ÁN Fernández Contrastes. Revista Internacional de Filosofía, 2005 | 6 | 2005 |
Tablas semánticas y metalógica (El caso de la lógica de segundo orden) ÁN Fernández Crítica: Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofía, 21-47, 1999 | 6 | 1999 |
Tableaux for structural abduction Á Nepomuceno-Fernández, FJ Salguero-Lamillar, D Fernández-Duque Logic Journal of IGPL 20 (2), 388-399, 2012 | 5 | 2012 |
Deducción y abducción FS Toscano, ÁN Fernández Teorema: Revista internacional de filosofía, 5-16, 2008 | 5 | 2008 |
Tarfa: Tableaux and resolution for finite abduction F Soler-Toscano, Á Nepomuceno-Fernández Logics in Artificial Intelligence: 10th European Conference, JELIA 2006 …, 2006 | 5 | 2006 |