Guadalupe Castilla Valdez
Guadalupe Castilla Valdez
profesor de heuristicos Instituto Tecnológico de Ciudad Madero
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Cited by
A self-adaptive ant colony system for semantic query routing problem in p2p networks
C Gómez Santillán, L Cruz Reyes, E Meza Conde, E Schaeffer, ...
Computación y Sistemas 13 (4), 433-448, 2010
Bowel obstruction in the postoperative period of laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair (TAPP): review of the literature
J Cueto, JA Vazquez, MA Solis, G Valdéz, S Valencia, A Weber
JSLS: Journal of the Society of Laparoendoscopic Surgeons 2 (3), 277, 1998
Chaotic multi-objective simulated annealing and threshold accepting for job shop scheduling problem
J Frausto-Solis, L Hernández-Ramírez, G Castilla-Valdez, ...
Mathematical and Computational Applications 26 (1), 8, 2021
A Hybrid Simulated Annealing for Job Shop Scheduling Problem.
L Hernández-Ramírez, J Frausto-Solis, G Castilla-Valdez, ...
International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems & Informatics …, 2019
DiPro: An Algorithm for the Packing in Product Transportation Problems with Multiple Loading and Routing Variants
L Cruz Reyes, DM Nieto-Yáñez, N Rangel-Valdez, JA Herrera Ortiz, ...
MICAI 2007: Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 6th Mexican International …, 2007
A Peptides Prediction Methodology for Tertiary Structure Based on Simulated Annealing
JP Sánchez-Hernández, J Frausto-Solís, JJ González-Barbosa, ...
Mathematical and Computational Applications 26 (2), 39, 2021
Financial time series forecasting using Simulated Annealing and Support Vector Regression
JJ González-Mancha, J Frausto-Solís, GC Valdez, JD Terán-Villanueva, ...
International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics …, 2017
Three hybrid scatter search algorithms for multi-objective job shop scheduling problem
L Hernández-Ramírez, J Frausto-Solís, G Castilla-Valdez, ...
Axioms 11 (2), 61, 2022
Saipo-taipo and genetic algorithms for investment portfolios
J Frausto Solis, JL Purata Aldaz, M González del Angel, ...
Axioms 11 (2), 42, 2022
Hurst exponent with arima and simple exponential smoothing for measuring persistency of m3-competition series
MPP Flores, JF Solís, GC Valdez, JJG Barbosa, JP Ortega, ...
IEEE Latin America Transactions 17 (05), 815-822, 2019
Scatter search with multiple improvement methods for the linear ordering problem
GC Valdez, RAP Rangel, LC Reyes
Malaysian Journal of Computer Science 25 (2), 76-89, 2012
Iterated local search for the linear ordering problem
GC Valdez, SSB Medina
International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics …, 2012
Multiphase Simulated Annealing Based on Boltzmann and Bose‐Einstein Distribution Applied to Protein Folding Problem
J Frausto-Solis, E Liñán-García, JP Sánchez-Hernández, ...
Advances in Bioinformatics 2016 (1), 7357123, 2016
Application of genetic algorithms to strip hot rolling scheduling
CA Hernández Carreón, HJ Fraire Huacuja, KE Fernandez, GC Valdez, ...
Innovations in Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 247-254, 2007
Improving the performance of heuristic algorithms based on causal inference
M Quiroz Castellanos, L Cruz Reyes, J Torres-Jiménez, CG Santillán, ...
Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 10th Mexican International Conference …, 2011
The hybrid forecasting method SVR-ESAR for Covid-19
J Frausto-Solis, OV JE, JJ Gonzalez-Barbosa, G Castilla-Valdez, ...
Multi-objective optimization of the hot rolling scheduling of steel using a genetic algorithm
CAH Carreón, JEM Tolama, GC Valdez, IH González
MRS Advances 4, 3373-3380, 2019
Enfoque de aprendizaje híbrido evolutivo para redes neuronales en la clasificación de casos médicos
EE Patiño, GC Valdez, JF Solís, JDT Villanueva
Programación matemática y software 9 (3), 64-71, 2017
Evolutionary GRSA for protein structure prediction
FG Maldonado-Nava, J Frausto-Solís, JP Sánchez-Hernández, ...
International Journal of Combinatorial Optimization Problems and Informatics …, 2016
A hybrid metaheuristic algorithm for the quay crane scheduling problem
L Cruz-Reyes, AL Alvarez, M Quiroz-Castellanos, C Gómez, NR Valdez, ...
Handbook of Research on Military, Aeronautical, and Maritime Logistics and …, 2016
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Articles 1–20