Sarah E. Gergel
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Cited by
Biogeochemical hot spots and hot moments at the interface of terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems
ME McClain, EW Boyer, CL Dent, SE Gergel, NB Grimm, PM Groffman, ...
Ecosystems, 301-312, 2003
Landscape indicators of human impacts to riverine systems
SE Gergel, MG Turner, JR Miller, JM Melack, EH Stanley
Aquatic sciences 64, 118-128, 2002
Aerial photography: a rapidly evolving tool for ecological management
JL Morgan, SE Gergel, NC Coops
BioScience 60 (1), 47-59, 2010
Dissolved organic carbon as an indicator of the scale of watershed influence on lakes and rivers
SE Gergel, MG Turner, TK Kratz
Ecological Applications 9 (4), 1377-1390, 1999
Learning landscape ecology: a practical guide to concepts and techniques
SE Gergel, MG Turner
Springer, 2017
Application of high spatial resolution satellite imagery for riparian and forest ecosystem classification
K Johansen, NC Coops, SE Gergel, Y Stange
Remote sensing of Environment 110 (1), 29-44, 2007
Relative impacts of disturbance and temperature: persistent changes in microenvironment and vegetation in retrogressive thaw slumps
TC Lantz, SV Kokelj, SE Gergel, GHR Henry
Global Change Biology 15 (7), 1664-1675, 2009
Multitemporal remote sensing of landscape dynamics and pattern change: describing natural and anthropogenic trends
SN Gillanders, NC Coops, MA Wulder, SE Gergel, T Nelson
Progress in physical geography 32 (5), 503-528, 2008
Merging aquatic and terrestrial perspectives of nutrient biogeochemistry
NB Grimm, SE Gergel, WH McDowell, EW Boyer, CL Dent, P Groffman, ...
Oecologia 137, 485-501, 2003
Consequences of human‐altered floods: levees, floods, and floodplain forests along the Wisconsin River
SE Gergel, MD Dixon, MG Turner
Ecological applications 12 (6), 1755-1770, 2002
Ecosystem service trade-offs and synergies misunderstood without landscape history
SA Tomscha, SE Gergel
Ecology and Society 21 (1), 2016
Response of green alder (Alnus viridis subsp. fruticosa) patch dynamics and plant community composition to fire and regional temperature in north‐western Canada
TC Lantz, SE Gergel, GHR Henry
Journal of Biogeography 37 (8), 1597-1610, 2010
Map misclassification can cause large errors in landscape pattern indices: examples from habitat fragmentation
WT Langford, SE Gergel, TG Dietterich, W Cohen
Ecosystems 9, 474-488, 2006
Spatial and non-spatial factors: when do they affect landscape indicators of watershed loading?
SE Gergel
Landscape Ecology 20, 177-189, 2005
Spatial heterogeneity in the shrub tundra ecotone in the Mackenzie Delta region, Northwest Territories: implications for Arctic environmental change
TC Lantz, SE Gergel, SV Kokelj
Ecosystems 13, 194-204, 2010
Greenspace access does not correspond to nature exposure: Measures of urban natural space with implications for health research
I Jarvis, S Gergel, M Koehoorn, M van den Bosch
Landscape and Urban Planning 194, 103686, 2020
Distribution and abundance of trees in floodplain forests of the Wisconsin River: environmental influences at different scales
MG Turner, SE Gergel, MD Dixon, JR Miller
Journal of vegetation science 15 (6), 729-738, 2004
Assessing changes in forest fragmentation following infestation using time series Landsat imagery
NC Coops, SN Gillanders, MA Wulder, SE Gergel, T Nelson, NR Goodwin
Forest Ecology and Management 259 (12), 2355-2365, 2010
Spatial determinants of Atlantic Forest loss and recovery in Brazil
PG Molin, SE Gergel, BS Soares-Filho, SFB Ferraz
Landscape Ecology 32, 857-870, 2017
What is the value of a good map? An example using high spatial resolution imagery to aid riparian restoration
SE Gergel, Y Stange, NC Coops, K Johansen, KR Kirby
Ecosystems 10, 688-702, 2007
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Articles 1–20