Elizabeth González-Estrada
Elizabeth González-Estrada
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A generalization of Shapiro–Wilk's test for multivariate normality
JA Villasenor Alva, EG Estrada
Communications in Statistics—Theory and Methods 38 (11), 1870-1883, 2009
Shapiro–Wilk test for skew normal distributions based on data transformations
E González-Estrada, W Cosmes
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 89 (17), 3258-3272, 2019
A bootstrap goodness of fit test for the generalized Pareto distribution
JA Villaseñor-Alva, E González-Estrada
Computational statistics & data analysis 53 (11), 3835-3841, 2009
Shapiro-Wilk test for multivariate skew-normality
E González-Estrada, JA Villaseñor, R Acosta-Pech
Computational Statistics 37, 1985-2001, 2022
A variance ratio test of fit for Gamma distributions
JA Villaseñor, E González-Estrada
Statistics & Probability Letters 96, 281-286, 2015
An R package for testing goodness of fit: goft
E González-Estrada, JA Villaseñor
Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation 88 (4), 726-751, 2018
mvShapiroTest: generalized Shapiro–Wilk test for multivariate normality
E Gonzalez Estrada, JA Villasenor-Alva
R package version 0.0 1, 2009
On testing the skew normal distribution by using Shapiro–Wilk test
A Monter-Pozos, E González-Estrada
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics 440, 115649, 2024
goft: Tests of Fit for some Probability Distributions
E Gonzalez-Estrada, JA Villasenor-Alva
R package version 1 (4), 2017
Goodness of fit tests for the gumbel distribution with type II right censored data
V Salinas, P Pérez, E González, H Vaquera
Revista Colombiana de Estadística 35 (3), 409-424, 2012
Respuesta de la demanda de agua a cambios en el precio: un estudio por tipo de consumidor en el norte de Sinaloa, México
J Torres-Sombra, JA García-Salazar, R García-Mata, J Matus-Gardea, ...
Agrociencia 47 (3), 293-307, 2013
On Testing the Inverse Gaussian Distribution Hypothesis
JA Villaseñor, E González-Estrada, A Ochoa
Sankhya B 81 (1), 60-74, 2019
Tests of fit for Inverse Gaussian distributions
JA Villaseñor, E González-Estrada
Statistics & Probability Letters 105, 189-194, 2015
Determinación a través de pruebas aceleradas, de la vida útil del acabado para exteriores en madera de encino y pino
RF Velázquez, AB de la Rosa, FZ Sánchez, MF Salinas, EG Estrada
Revista Chapingo. Serie Ciencias Forestales y del Ambiente 7 (1), 99-105, 2001
A ratio goodness-of-fit test for the Laplace distribution
E González-Estrada, JA Villaseñor
Statistics & Probability Letters 119, 30-35, 2016
gPdtest: Bootstrap goodness-of-fit test for the generalized Pareto distribution
EG Estrada, JAV Alva
Version 0.4, 2012
On modeling cluster maxima with applications to ozone data from Mexico City
JA Villaseñor‐Alva, E González‐Estrada
Environmetrics 21 (5), 528-540, 2010
Goodness-of-Fit Tests for Cauchy Distributions Using Data Transformations
JA Villaseñor, E González-Estrada
Advances in Statistics - Theory and Applications, Honoring the Contributions …, 2021
On testing exponentiality based on a new estimator for the scale parameter
JA Villaseñor, E González-Estrada
Brazilian Journal of Probability and Statistics 34 (4), 809-820, 2020
A correlation test for normality based on the Lévy characterization
JA Villaseñor-Alva, E González-Estrada
Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation 44 (5), 1225-1238, 2015
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