Agricultural Education
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An investigation into mentoring practices of faculty who mentor undergraduate researchers at a Hispanic serving institution
CM Estepp, JG Velasco, AL Culbertson, NW Conner
Journal of Hispanic Higher Education 16 (4), 338-358, 2017
An experiential learning framework for engaging learners during study abroad experiences
TG Roberts, NW Conner, BL Jones
NACTA Journal 57 (3a), 28-35, 2013
Flipping an agricultural education teaching methods course.
NW Conner, CT Stripling, JM Blythe, TG Roberts, NLP Stedman
Journal of Agricultural Education 55 (2), 66-78, 2014
Competencies and experiences needed by entry level international agricultural development practitioners
NW Conner, G Roberts, A Harder
Journal of international agricultural and extension education 20 (1), 19-32, 2013
Needs assessment for informing extension professional development trainings on teaching adult learners
NW Conner, D Dev, K Krause
The cultural adaptation process during a short-term study abroad experience in Swaziland.
NW Conner, TG Roberts
Journal of Agricultural Education 56 (1), 155-171, 2015
Competencies and experiences needed by pre–service agricultural educators to teach globalized curricula: A modified Delphi study
NW Conner, TG Roberts
Examining Student Perceptions of Flipping an Agricultural Teaching Methods Course.
NW Conner, ED Rubenstein, CA DiBenedetto, CT Stripling, TG Roberts, ...
Journal of Agricultural Education 55 (5), 65-77, 2014
An investigation of teacher beliefs and actions
AJ Giorgi, TG Roberts, CM Estepp, NW Conner, CT Stripling
NACTA Journal 57 (3), 2-9, 2013
An examination of the learning activities, cognitive level of instruction, and teacher immediacy behaviors of successful instructors in a college of agriculture
CM Estepp, CT Stripling, NW Conner, A Giorgi, TG Roberts
Journal of Agricultural Education 54 (2), 15-28, 2013
Examining the teaching behaviors of successful teachers in a college of agricultural and life sciences
TG Roberts, NW Conner, CM Estepp, A Giorgi, CT Stripling
NACTA Journal 56 (2), 21-28, 2012
Identifying international agricultural concepts for secondary agricultural education curriculum
NW Conner, H Gates, CT Stripling
An Exploration of the Formal Agricultural Education System in Trinidad and Tobago.
SD Hurst, NW Conner, CT Stripling, J Blythe, A Giorgi, ED Rubenstein, ...
Journal of Agricultural Education 56 (1), 141-154, 2015
Project-based learning for developing digital literacy in undergraduate science communication
J Loizzo, NW Conner, KJ Cannon
NACTA Journal 62 (2), 142-150, 2018
A qualitative case study of the cultural experiences of undergraduates on a study abroad program in Costa Rica
NW Conner, TG Roberts
NACTA Journal 61 (2), 141-149, 2017
A model of faculty cultural adaption on a short-term international professional development experience
NW Conner, TG Roberts, A Harder
NACTA Journal 58 (2), 115-121, 2014
The cultural adaptation process of agricultural and life sciences students on short-term study abroad experiences
NW Conner
University of Florida, 2013
Undergraduate Student's Reflections on Teaching Agricultural Education Abroad: An Opportunity for Soft Skill Development.
E Rubenstein, N Fuhrman, D Duncan, N Conner
Transformative Dialogues: Teaching & Learning Journal 11 (3), 2018
Teacher perceptions of facilitating inquiry-based instruction following a 12-month professional development experience
M Kreifels, N Conner, B Reiling, C Stripling, M Balschweid
Advancements in Agricultural Development 2 (3), 14-24, 2021
Applying Eye-Tracking Research in Education and Communication to Agricultural Education and Communication: A Review of Literature.
HR Leggette, AH Rice, C Carraway, MA Baker, N Conner
Journal of Agricultural Education 59 (2), 79-108, 2018
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