Matthew Wiswall
Cited by
Cited by
Determinants of college major choice: Identification using an information experiment
M Wiswall, B Zafar
The Review of Economic Studies 82 (2), 791-824, 2015
Preference for the workplace, investment in human capital, and gender
M Wiswall, B Zafar
The Quarterly Journal of Economics 133 (1), 457-507, 2018
Household choices and child development
D Del Boca, C Flinn, M Wiswall
Review of Economic Studies 81 (1), 137-185, 2014
Preferences and biases in educational choices and labour market expectations: Shrinking the black box of gender
E Reuben, M Wiswall, B Zafar
The Economic Journal 127 (604), 2153-2186, 2017
The dynamics of teacher quality
M Wiswall
Journal of Public Economics 100, 61-78, 2013
Beyond LATE with a discrete instrument
CN Brinch, M Mogstad, M Wiswall
Journal of Political Economy 125 (4), 985-1039, 2017
What linear estimators miss: The effects of family income on child outcomes
KV Løken, M Mogstad, M Wiswall
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics 4 (2), 1-35, 2012
How do college students respond to public information about earnings?
M Wiswall, B Zafar
Journal of Human Capital 9 (2), 117-169, 2015
Before and after: Gender transitions, human capital, and workplace experiences
K Schilt, M Wiswall
The BE Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy 8 (1), 2008
Estimating the technology of children's skill formation
F Agostinelli, M Wiswall
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2016
Evolution of gender differences in post‐secondary human capital investments: College majors
A Gemici, M Wiswall
International Economic Review 55 (1), 23-56, 2014
Human capital investments and expectations about career and family
M Wiswall, B Zafar
Journal of Political Economy 129 (5), 1361-1424, 2021
Testing the quantity–quality model of fertility: Estimation using unrestricted family size models
M Mogstad, M Wiswall
Quantitative Economics 7 (1), 157-192, 2016
Labor market search with imperfect information and learning
JJ Conlon, L Pilossoph, M Wiswall, B Zafar
National Bureau of Economic Research, 2018
Does attending a STEM high school improve student performance? Evidence from New York City
M Wiswall, L Stiefel, AE Schwartz, J Boccardo
Economics of Education Review 40, 93-105, 2014
Do small schools improve performance in large, urban districts? Causal evidence from New York City
AE Schwartz, L Stiefel, M Wiswall
Journal of Urban Economics 77, 27-40, 2013
Transfers to households with children and child development
D Del Boca, C Flinn, M Wiswall
The Economic Journal 126 (596), F136-F183, 2016
A parallel implementation of the simplex function minimization routine
D Lee, M Wiswall
Computational Economics 30, 171-187, 2007
College majors 1
A Patnaik, M Wiswall, B Zafar
The Routledge handbook of the economics of education, 415-457, 2021
The role of heterogeneous risk preferences, discount rates, and earnings expectations in college major choice
A Patnaik, J Venator, M Wiswall, B Zafar
Journal of Econometrics 231 (1), 98-122, 2022
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Articles 1–20