Asghar Asghari Moghaddam
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Cited by
Assessment of groundwater quality and its suitability for drinking and agricultural uses in the Oshnavieh Area, Northwest of Iran
N Aghazadeh, AA Mogaddam
Journal of Environmental protection 1 (01), 30, 2010
An ANN‐based model for spatiotemporal groundwater level forecasting
V Nourani, AA Mogaddam, AO Nadiri
Hydrological Processes: An International Journal 22 (26), 5054-5066, 2008
Forecasting of groundwater level fluctuations using ensemble hybrid multi-wavelet neural network-based models
R Barzegar, E Fijani, AA Moghaddam, E Tziritis
Science of the Total Environment 599, 20-31, 2017
Optimization of DRASTIC method by supervised committee machine artificial intelligence to assess groundwater vulnerability for Maragheh–Bonab plain aquifer, Iran
E Fijani, AA Nadiri, AA Moghaddam, FTC Tsai, B Dixon
Journal of hydrology 503, 89-100, 2013
Investigation of hydrochemical characteristics of groundwater in the Harzandat aquifer, Northwest of Iran
N Aghazadeh, AA Mogaddam
Environmental monitoring and assessment 176 (1), 183-195, 2011
Application of wavelet-artificial intelligence hybrid models for water quality prediction: a case study in Aji-Chay River, Iran
R Barzegar, J Adamowski, AA Moghaddam
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 30, 1797-1819, 2016
Prediction of effluent quality parameters of a wastewater treatment plant using a supervised committee fuzzy logic model
AA Nadiri, S Shokri, FTC Tsai, AA Moghaddam
Journal of cleaner production 180, 539-549, 2018
Mapping groundwater contamination risk of multiple aquifers using multi-model ensemble of machine learning algorithms
R Barzegar, AA Moghaddam, R Deo, E Fijani, E Tziritis
Science of the total environment 621, 697-712, 2018
Groundwater quality ranking for drinking purposes, using the entropy method and the spatial autocorrelation index
AD Gorgij, O Kisi, AA Moghaddam, A Taghipour
Environmental earth sciences 76, 1-9, 2017
Groundwater vulnerability indices conditioned by supervised intelligence committee machine (SICM)
AA Nadiri, M Gharekhani, R Khatibi, S Sadeghfam, AA Moghaddam
Science of the Total Environment 574, 691-706, 2017
Identification of hydrogeochemical processes and pollution sources of groundwater resources in the Marand plain, northwest of Iran
R Barzegar, AA Moghaddam, E Tziritis, MS Fakhri, S Soltani
Environmental Earth Sciences 76, 1-16, 2017
A fuzzy-logic based decision-making approach for identification of groundwater quality based on groundwater quality indices
M Vadiati, A Asghari-Moghaddam, M Nakhaei, J Adamowski, ...
Journal of Environmental Management 184, 255-270, 2016
Distribution of fluoride in groundwater of Maku area, northwest of Iran
A Asghari Moghaddam, E Fijani
Environmental Geology 56, 281-287, 2008
Multi-step water quality forecasting using a boosting ensemble multi-wavelet extreme learning machine model
R Barzegar, AA Moghaddam, J Adamowski, B Ozga-Zielinski
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment, 1-15, 2017
Assessing the potential origins and human health risks of trace elements in groundwater: A case study in the Khoy plain, Iran
AHN Rahim Barzegar, Asghar Asghari Moghaddam, Jan Adamowski
Environmental Geochemistry and Health, 2019
Supervised committee machine with artificial intelligence for prediction of fluoride concentration
AA Nadiri, E Fijani, FTC Tsai, A Asghari Moghaddam
Journal of Hydroinformatics 15 (4), 1474-1490, 2013
A supervised committee machine artificial intelligent for improving DRASTIC method to assess groundwater contamination risk: a case study from Tabriz plain aquifer, Iran
R Barzegar, AA Moghaddam, H Baghban
Stochastic environmental research and risk assessment 30, 883-899, 2016
Prediction and structural uncertainty analyses of artificial neural networks using hierarchical Bayesian model averaging
N Chitsazan, AA Nadiri, FTC Tsai
Journal of Hydrology 528, 52-62, 2015
Heavy Metal (loid) s in the Groundwater of Shabestar Area (NW Iran): Source Identification and Health Risk Assessment
NK Rahim Barzegar, Asghar Asghari Moghaddam, Shahla Soltani, Elham Fijani ...
Exposure and Health, 1-15, 2018
Assessment of groundwater vulnerability using supervised committee to combine fuzzy logic models
AA Nadiri, M Gharekhani, R Khatibi, AA Moghaddam
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 24, 8562-8577, 2017
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Articles 1–20