Gonzalo Vazquez-Bare
Cited by
Cited by
A primer for applying propensity-score matching
C Heinrich, A Maffioli, G Vazquez
Inter-American Development Bank, 2010
Interpreting regression discontinuity designs with multiple cutoffs
MD Cattaneo, R Titiunik, G Vazquez-Bare, L Keele
The Journal of Politics 78 (4), 1229-1248, 2016
Comparing inference approaches for RD designs: A reexamination of the effect of head start on child mortality
MD Cattaneo, R Titiunik, G Vazquez‐Bare
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 36 (3), 643-681, 2017
Inference in regression discontinuity designs under local randomization
MD Cattaneo, R Titiunik, G Vazquez-Bare
Stata Journal 16 (2), 331-367, 2016
Identification and estimation of spillover effects in randomized experiments
G Vazquez-Bare
Journal of Econometrics 237 (1), 105237, 2023
The choice of neighborhood in regression discontinuity designs
MD Cattaneo, G Vazquez-Bare
Observational Studies 2, 134-146, 2016
Power calculations for regression-discontinuity designs
MD Cattaneo, R Titiunik, G Vazquez-Bare
The Stata Journal 19 (1), 210-245, 2019
Cluster development policy, SME’s performance, and spillovers: evidence from Brazil
L Figal Garone, A Maffioli, JA de Negri, CM Rodriguez, G Vázquez-Baré
Small Business Economics 44, 925-948, 2015
Public Credit Programmes and Firm Performance in Brazil
A Maffioli, JA Negri, CM Rodriguez, G Vazquez‐Bare
Development Policy Review 35 (5), 675-702, 2017
Difference-in-Differences for Continuous Treatments and Instruments with Stayers
C de Chaisemartin, X D'Haultfœuille, F Pasquier, G Vazquez‐Bare
Available at SSRN 4011782, 2022
Extrapolating treatment effects in multi-cutoff regression discontinuity designs
MD Cattaneo, L Keele, R Titiunik, G Vazquez-Bare
Journal of the American Statistical Association 116 (536), 1941-1952, 2021
Analysis of regression-discontinuity designs with multiple cutoffs or multiple scores
MD Cattaneo, R Titiunik, G Vazquez-Bare
The Stata Journal 20 (4), 866-891, 2020
Evaluating the impact of science, technology and innovation programs: a methodological toolkit
G Crespi, A Maffioli, P Mohnen, G Vázquez
Inter-American Development Bank, 2011
Improving technology adoption in agriculture through extension services: evidence from Uruguay
A Maffioli, D Ubfal, G Vazquez-Bare, P Cerdan-Infantes
Journal of Development Effectiveness 5 (1), 64-81, 2013
Extension services, product quality and yields: the case of grapes in Argentina
A Maffioli, D Ubfal, GV Baré, P Cerdán‐Infantes
Agricultural Economics 42 (6), 727-734, 2011
Causal spillover effects using instrumental variables
G Vazquez-Bare
Journal of the American Statistical Association 118 (543), 1911-1922, 2023
Measuring heterogeneous effects of environmental policies using panel data
DG Steigerwald, G Vazquez-Bare, J Maier
Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists 8 (2 …, 2021
Design of partial population experiments with an application to spillovers in tax compliance
G Cruces, D Tortarolo, G Vazquez-Bare
IZA Discussion Papers, 2024
Difference-in-Difference Estimators with Continuous Treatments and No Stayers
C de Chaisemartin, X D'Haultfœuille, G Vazquez-Bare
AEA Papers and Proceedings 114, 610-613, 2024
Impact of a technology transfer program on small farmers: The case of Ecuador’s Promsa
A Maffioli, M Valdivia, G Vázquez
Mimeographic document, 2009
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Articles 1–20