Adrian Rubli
Cited by
Cited by
Illegal drug market responses to state recreational cannabis laws
A Meinhofer, A Rubli
Addiction 116 (12), 3433-3443, 2021
The effect of a transfer program for the elderly in Mexico City on co-residing children's school enrollment
E Gutierrez, L Juarez, A Rubli
The World Bank Economic Review 31 (3), 809-828, 2017
La importancia de corregir por el sesgo de selección en el análisis de las brechas salariales por género: un estudio para Argentina, Brasil y México
A Rubli
Ensayos Revista de Economía 31 (2), 1-36, 2012
Information and behavioral responses during a pandemic: evidence from delays in COVID-19 death reports
E Gutierrez, A Rubli, T Tavares
Journal of Development Economics 154, 102774, 2022
Delays in death reports and their implications for tracking the evolution of COVID-19
E Gutierrez, A Rubli, T Tavares
Available at SSRN 3645304, 2020
Electoral repercussions of a pandemic: Evidence from the 2009 H1N1 outbreak
E Gutiérrez, J Meriläinen, A Rubli
The Journal of Politics 84 (4), 1899-1912, 2022
Shocks to hospital occupancy and mortality: Evidence from the 2009 H1N1 pandemic
E Gutierrez, A Rubli
Management Science 67 (9), 5943-5952, 2021
Electoral repercussions of a pandemic: evidence from the 2009 H1N1 Outbreak
E Gutiérrez, J Meriläinen, A Rubli
Available at SSRN 3667065, 2021
LGBT+ persons and homophobia prevalence across job sectors: Survey evidence from Mexico
E Gutierrez, A Rubli
Labour Economics 87, 102500, 2024
Trade-offs between access and quality in healthcare: Evidence from retail clinics in Mexico
A Rubli
Journal of Public Economics 224, 104938, 2023
Local water quality, diarrheal disease, and the unintended consequences of soda taxes
E Gutierrez, A Rubli
The World Bank Economic Review 36 (1), 1-18, 2022
Increasing Retirement Savings through Access Points and Persuasive Messages: Evidence from Mexico
M Bosch, A Rubli
Journal of Human Resources 58 (5), 1752-1781, 2023
Challenges for measuring the LGBT+ population and homophobia in Mexico
EF Gutiérrez, A Rubli
IDB Working Paper Series, 2023
Short-Term Health Effects of Soda Taxes in Areas with Low Access to Safe Drinking Water
E Gutierrez, A Rubli
Working Paper, 2019
Over-the-counter access regulations: Evidence from an antibiotics law in Mexico
A Rubli
Technical report, Brown University, 2017
Low-cost, limited-service private healthcare providers: evidence from Mexico
A Rubli
PAA 2017 Annual Meeting, 2017
Promotions measured with error in retail markets: Implications for firm behavior and health policy
E Gutierrez, A Rubli, J Tudon
Referral Reward Programs and Customer Acquisition
A Rubli, J Tudon
Promotions measured with error: Implications for health policy and firm behavior
E Gutierrez, A Rubli, J Tudon
State recreational cannabis laws and racial disparities in the criminal justice system
A Meinhofer, A Rubli, JP Cunningham
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Articles 1–20