Gary Kirk
Gary Kirk
Center for Educational Networks & impacts/Virginia Tech Institute for Creativity, Arts, & Technology
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Assessing systems thinking: A tool to measure complex reasoning through ill-structured problems
JR Grohs, GR Kirk, MM Soledad, DB Knight
Thinking Skills and Creativity 28, 110-130, 2018
Nonprofit mission statement focus and financial performance
G Kirk, S Beth Nolan
Nonprofit Management and Leadership 20 (4), 473-490, 2010
A multiple case study of an interorganizational collaboration: Exploring the first year of an industry partnership focused on middle school engineering education
AL Gillen, JR Grohs, HM Matusovich, GR Kirk
Journal of Engineering Education 110 (3), 545-571, 2021
How student affairs administrators spend their time: Differences by institutional setting
JB Hirt, GR Kirk, LM McGuire, TP Mount, SM Nelson-Hensley
College Student Affairs Journal 23 (1), 7, 2003
Building Community Capacity for Integrating Engineering in Rural Middle School Science Classrooms.
JR Grohs, AL Gillen, HM Matusovich, GR Kirk, HL Lesko, J Brantley, ...
Journal of STEM Outreach 3 (1), n1, 2020
Assessing systems thinking: A tool to measure complex reasoning through ill-structured problems. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 28, 110–130
JR Grohs, GR Kirk, MM Soledad, DB Knight
Service, dialogue, and reflection as foundational elements in a living learning community
AN Adams, RJ Brock, KA Gordon, JR Grohs, GR Kirk
Journal of College and Character 15 (3), 179-188, 2014
Civic attitudes and the undergraduate experience
GR Kirk, J Grohs
Civic engagement and community service at research universities: Engaging …, 2016
Virginia tech food access and security study
RP Hall, S Ranganathan, JL Agnew, ME Christie, GR Kirk, C Lucero, ...
Virginia Tech, 2019
Insights from the first two years of a project partnering middle school teachers with industry to bring engineering to the science classroom
AL Gillen, JR Grohs, HM Matusovich, GR Kirk, HL Lesko, C Carrico
ASEE Annual Conference proceedings, 2019
Partnering Middle School Teachers, Industry, and Academic to Bring Engineering to the Science Classroom
C Carrico, JR Grohs, HM Matusovich, GR Kirk, MR Schilling
2021 ASEE Virtual Annual Conference Content Access, 2021
Findings from the first year of a project that partners engineers and educators in rural schools
JR Grohs, V van Montfrans, HM Matusovich, GR Kirk, C Carrico, AL Gillen, ...
ASEE Annual Conference proceedings, 2018
Engagement in practice: Lessons learned partnering with science educators and local engineers in rural schools
HL Lesko, JR Grohs, HM Matusovich, GR Kirk, C Carrico, V van Montfrans, ...
ASEE Annual Conference proceedings, 2018
Constructions of scarcity and commodification in university strategy: Restructuring at Virginia Tech
GR Kirk
Virginia Tech, 2004
Changes in Teacher Self-efficacy Through Engagement in an Engineering Professional Development Partnership
M Schilling, T Paradise, J Grohs, H Matusovich, C Carrico, H Lesko, ...
ASEE Annual Conference, 2020
Trans-disciplinary student learning in the context of community service and university engagement
G Kirk, J Grohs
ICERI2013 Proceedings, 5351-5351, 2013
By committee: Chemical infrastructure security and community awareness
G Kirk
Critical Infrastructure Protection Report 8 (5), 14, 23, 2009
The Status of Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) in Virginia
J Templeton, G Kirk
A multiplecasestudyofaninterorganizational collaboration: Exploringthefirstyearofanindustry partnershipfocusedon middleschoolengineering education
AL Gillen, JR Grohs, HM Matusovich, GR Kirk
That I May Serve: Linking community engagement experiences and undergraduate student socio-ethical competence
GR Kirk, JR Grohs
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