Bryan Leong
Bryan Leong
NSF PGRP postdoc, Hanson Lab, University of Florida
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Evolution of a Complex Locus for Terpene Biosynthesis in Solanum
Y Matsuba, TTH Nguyen, K Wiegert, V Falara, E Gonzales-Vigil, B Leong, ...
The Plant Cell 25 (6), 2022-2036, 2013
Promiscuous cross-seeding between bacterial amyloids promotes interspecies biofilms
Y Zhou, D Smith, B Leong, K Brannstrom, F Almqvist, MR Chapman
Journal of Biological Chemistry, jbc. M112. 383737, 2012
Evolutionary routes to biochemical innovation revealed by integrative analysis of a plant-defense related specialized metabolic pathway
GD Moghe, BJ Leong, SM Hurney, A Daniel Jones, RL Last
Elife 6, e28468, 2017
Robust predictions of specialized metabolism genes through machine learning
BM Moore, P Wang, P Fan, B Leong, CA Schenck, JP Lloyd, ...
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 116 (6), 2344-2353, 2019
A feedback insensitive isopropylmalate synthase affects acylsugar composition in cultivated and wild tomato
N Jing, G Moghe, B Leong, J Kim, I Ofner, Z Wang, C Adams, DJ Arthur, ...
Plant physiology, pp. 00474.2015, 2015
Tip of the trichome: evolution of acylsugar metabolic diversity in Solanaceae
P Fan, BJ Leong, RL Last
Current Opinion in Plant Biology 49, 8-16, 2019
Evolution of a plant gene cluster in Solanaceae and emergence of metabolic diversity
P Fan, P Wang, YR Lou, BJ Leong, BM Moore, CA Schenck, R Combs, ...
Elife 9, e56717, 2020
Evolution of metabolic novelty: a trichome-expressed invertase creates specialized metabolic diversity in wild tomato
BJ Leong, DB Lybrand, YR Lou, P Fan, AL Schilmiller, RL Last
Science Advances 5 (4), eaaw3754, 2019
A two‐component enzyme complex is required for dolichol biosynthesis in tomato
MI Brasher, L Surmacz, B Leong, J Pitcher, E Swiezewska, E Pichersky, ...
The Plant Journal 82 (6), 903-914, 2015
Promiscuity, impersonation and accommodation: evolution of plant specialized metabolism
B Leong, RL Last
Current opinion in structural biology 47, 105-112, 2017
Using continuous directed evolution to improve enzymes for plant applications
JD García-García, K Van Gelder, J Joshi, U Bathe, BJ Leong, SD Bruner, ...
Plant physiology 188 (2), 971-983, 2022
Specialized metabolism in a nonmodel nightshade: trichome acylinositol biosynthesis
BJ Leong, SM Hurney, PD Fiesel, GD Moghe, AD Jones, RL Last
Plant Physiology 183 (3), 915-924, 2020
Within-and cross-species predictions of plant specialized metabolism genes using transfer learning
BM Moore, P Wang, P Fan, A Lee, B Leong, YR Lou, CA Schenck, ...
in silico Plants 2 (1), diaa005, 2020
Continuous Directed Evolution of a Feedback-Resistant Arabidopsis Arogenate Dehydratase in Plantized Escherichia coli
BJ Leong, AD Hanson
ACS Synthetic Biology 12 (1), 43-50, 2022
Structure and function of aerotolerant, multiple-turnover THI4 thiazole synthases
J Joshi, Q Li, JD Garcia-Garcia, BJ Leong, Y Hu, SD Bruner, AD Hanson
Biochemical Journal, 2021
Respiratory energy demands and scope for demand expansion and destruction
U Bathe, BJ Leong, K Van Gelder, GG Barbier, CS Henry, JS Amthor, ...
Plant Physiology 191 (4), 2093-2103, 2023
The Moderately (D)efficient Enzyme: Catalysis-Related Damage In Vivo and Its Repair
U Bathe, BJ Leong, DR McCarty, CS Henry, PE Abraham, MA Wilson, ...
Biochemistry 60 (47), 3555-3565, 2021
Identification of BAHD acyltransferases associated with acylinositol biosynthesis in Solanum quitoense (naranjilla)
BJ Leong, S Hurney, P Fiesel, TM Anthony, G Moghe, AD Jones, RL Last
Plant Direct 6 (6), e415, 2022
Leaf surface acylsugar extraction and LC-MS profiling-v1. 0
YR Lou, B Leong
Analysis of Acylglucose and Acylinositol Biosynthetic Mechanisms in Solanaceae Species
BJ Leong
Michigan State University, 2019
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