Shaun Bond
Shaun Bond
Frank Finn Professor of Finance, UQ Business School, The University of Queensland
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International real estate returns: a multifactor, multicountry approach
SA Bond, GA Karolyi, AB Sanders
Real Estate Economics 31 (3), 481-500, 2003
Certification matters: Is green talk cheap talk?
SA Bond, A Devine
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 52 (2), 117-140, 2016
A web of shocks: crises across Asian real estate markets
SA Bond, M Dungey, R Fry
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 32 (3), 253-274, 2006
The conditional distribution of real estate returns: are higher moments time varying?
SA Bond, K Patel
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 26 (2-3), 319-339, 2003
Marketing period risk in a portfolio context: Theory and empirical estimates from the UK commercial real estate market
SA Bond, S Hwang, Z Lin, KD Vandell
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 34 (4), 447-461, 2007
Alpha and persistence in real estate fund performance
SA Bond, P Mitchell
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 41 (1), 53-79, 2010
The cross section of expected real estate returns: Insights from investment-based asset pricing
S Bond, C Xue
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 54 (3), 403-428, 2017
Smoothing, nonsynchronous appraisal and cross‐sectional aggregation in real estate price indices
SA Bond, S Hwang
Real Estate Economics 35 (3), 349-382, 2007
An evaluation of property company discounts in Europe
S Bond, S James
Will private equity and hedge funds replace real estate in mixed-asset portfolios?
SA Bond, S Hwang, P Mitchell, SE Satchell
The Journal of Portfolio Management 33 (5), 74-84, 2007
Lease Maturity and Initial Rent: Is There a Term Structure for UK Commercial Property Leases?
SA Bond, P Loizou, P McAllister
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 36 (4), 451-469, 2008
A measure of fundamental volatility in the commercial property market
SA Bond, S Hwang
Real Estate Economics 31 (4), 577-600, 2003
Statistical properties of the sample semi-variance
SA Bond, SE Satchell
Applied Mathematical Finance 9 (4), 219-239, 2002
The capital structure decision for listed real estate companies
S Bond, P Scott
Available at SSRN 876429, 2006
The performance and diversification benefits of European public real estate securities
S Bond, J Glascock
Available at SSRN 896524, 2006
Incentivizing green single-family construction: Identifying effective government policies and their features
SA Bond, A Devine
The Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 52 (4), 383-407, 2016
Commercial real estate returns: an anatomy of smoothing in asset and index returns
SA Bond, S Hwang, G Marcato
Real Estate Economics 40 (4), 637-661, 2012
A review of asymmetric conditional density functions in autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity models
S Bond
Return distributions in finance, 21-46, 2001
Liquidity dynamics across public and private markets
SA Bond, Q Chang
Journal of International Money and Finance 31 (7), 1890-1910, 2012
The role of parents on the home ownership experience of their children: Evidence from the Health and Retirement Study
SA Bond, MD Eriksen
University of Cincinnati Lindner College of Business Research Paper, 2019
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Articles 1–20