Karina Caro
Cited by
Cited by
Patterns for how users overcome obstacles in voice user interfaces
C Myers, A Furqan, J Nebolsky, K Caro, J Zhu
Proceedings of the 2018 CHI conference on human factors in computing systems …, 2018
Using the FroggyBobby exergame to support eye-body coordination development of children with severe autism
K Caro, M Tentori, AI Martinez-Garcia, M Alvelais
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 105, 12-27, 2017
FroggyBobby: An exergame to support children with motor problems practicing motor coordination exercises during therapeutic interventions
K Caro, M Tentori, AI Martinez-Garcia, I Zavala-Ibarra
Computers in Human Behavior 71, 479-498, 2017
Effect of an augmented reality app on academic achievement, motivation, and technology acceptance of university students of a chemistry course
M Silva, K Bermúdez, K Caro
Computers & Education: X Reality 2, 100022, 2023
From immersion to metagaming: Understanding rewind mechanics in interactive storytelling
E Kleinman, K Caro, J Zhu
Entertainment Computing 33, 100322, 2020
Online learning system to help people with developmental disabilities reinforce basic skills
LM Morales-Villaverde, K Caro, T Gotfrid, S Kurniawan
Proceedings of the 18th International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers …, 2016
BeeSmart: A Gesture-Based Videogame to Support Literacy and Eye-Hand Coordination of Children with Down Syndrome
VL Amado Sanchez, OI Islas Cruz, EA Ahumada Solorza, ...
Games and Learning Alliance: 6th International Conference, GALA 2017, Lisbon …, 2017
Designing and evaluating Reto Global, a serious video game for supporting global warming awareness
J Barcena-Vazquez, K Caro, K Bermudez, H Zatarain-Aceves
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 177, 103080, 2023
Bounce: designing a physical activity intervention for breast cancer survivors
G Marcu, A Misra, K Caro, M Plank, A Leader, A Barsevick
Proceedings of the 12th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing …, 2018
A performance comparison between exergames designed for individuals with autism spectrum disorder and commercially-available exergames
K Caro, AI Martinez-Garcia, S Kurniawan
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79 (45), 33623-33655, 2020
Supporting behavior management with a classroom display providing immediate feedback to students
AN Spiller, K Caro, JA Garay, G Marcu
Proceedings of the 13th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing …, 2019
Exergames for children with motor skills problems
K Caro
ACM SIGACCESS Accessibility and Computing, 20-26, 2014
Motivating adults with developmental disabilities to perform motor coordination exercises using exergames
K Caro, LM Morales-Villaverde, T Gotfrid, AI Martinez-Garcia, ...
Proceedings of the 4th EAI international conference on smart objects and …, 2018
Understanding the effect of existing positive relationships on a social motion-based game for health
K Caro, Y Feng, T Day, E Freed, B Fox, J Zhu
Proceedings of the 12th EAI International Conference on Pervasive Computing …, 2018
Designing exergames combining the use of fine and gross motor exercises to support self-care activities
K Caro, AI Martínez-García, M Tentori, I Zavala-Ibarra
Proceedings of the 16th international ACM SIGACCESS conference on Computers …, 2014
Using a Gesture-based videogame to support eye-hand coordination and pre-literacy skills of children with down syndrome
K Caro, IA Encinas-Monroy, VL Amado-Sanchez, OI Islas-Cruz, ...
Multimedia Tools and Applications 79, 34101-34128, 2020
Designing a video game to support climate change awareness in a museum exhibition context
J Bárcena-Vázquez, K Caro
Proceedings of the IX Latin American Conference on Human Computer …, 2019
Exergames in individuals with down syndrome: a performance comparison between children and adolescents
A Macias, K Caro, LA Castro, V Sierra, EA Ahumada, IA Encinas
Smart Objects and Technologies for Social Good: Third International …, 2018
Current state and trends of the research in exergames for the elderly and their impact on health outcomes: a scoping review
IH López-Nava, MD Rodriguez, JP García-Vázquez, AI Perez-Sanpablo, ...
Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing 14 (8), 10977-11009, 2023
Gesture-based video games to support fine-motor coordination skills of children with autism
A Ruiz-Rodriguez, AI Martinez-Garcia, K Caro
Proceedings of the 18th ACM International Conference on Interaction Design …, 2019
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Articles 1–20