Kyle W. Morrison
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Cited by
Wing length and mass at fledging predict local juvenile survival and age at first return in tufted puffins
KW Morrison, JM Hipfner, C Gjerdrum, DJ Green
The Condor 111 (3), 433-441, 2009
Effects of extreme climate events on adult survival of three Pacific auks
KW Morrison, JM Hipfner, GS Blackburn, DJ Green
The Auk 128 (4), 707-715, 2011
Population dynamics of Eastern Rockhopper Penguins on Campbell Island in relation to sea surface temperature 1942–2012: current warming hiatus pauses a long-term decline
KW Morrison, PF Battley, PM Sagar, DR Thompson
Polar Biology 38, 163-177, 2015
Peregrine Falcons enable two species of colonial seabirds to breed successfully by excluding other aerial predators
JM Hipfner, KW Morrison, R Darvill
Waterbirds 34 (1), 82-88, 2011
Higher trophic level prey does not represent a higher quality diet in a threatened seabird: implications for relating population dynamics to diet shifts inferred from stable …
KW Morrison, SJ Bury, DR Thompson
Marine biology 161, 2243-2255, 2014
Predation by New Zealand sea lions and Brown Skuas is causing the continued decline of an Eastern Rockhopper Penguin colony on Campbell Island
KW Morrison, DP Armstrong, PF Battley, SE Jamieson, DR Thompson
Polar Biology 40, 735-751, 2017
Ancient DNA of crested penguins: Testing for temporal genetic shifts in the world’s most diverse penguin clade
TL Cole, NJ Rawlence, N Dussex, U Ellenberg, DM Houston, T Mattern, ...
Molecular phylogenetics and evolution 131, 72-79, 2019
Roosting Preferences of North Island Brown Kiwis (Apteryx mantelli)
SE Jamieson, I Castro, T Jensen, KW Morrison, B Durrant
The Wilson Journal of Ornithology 128 (4), 857-866, 2016
The canalized parental roles of a Eudyptes penguin constrain provisioning and growth of chicks during nutritional stress
KW Morrison, NC Morrison, RM Buchheit, R Dunn, PF Battley, ...
Behavioral ecology and sociobiology 70 (4), 467-479, 2016
Individual repeatability in laying behaviour does not support the migratory carry‐over effect hypothesis of egg‐size dimorphism in Eudyptes penguins
KW Morrison
Journal of avian biology 47 (4), 466-475, 2016
The role of allochrony in influencing interspecific differences in foraging distribution during the non-breeding season between two congeneric crested penguin species
CP Green, N Ratcliffe, T Mattern, D Thompson, MA Lea, S Wotherspoon, ...
PloS one 17 (2), e0262901, 2022
Bat species distribution and habitat associations in northern Ontario, Canada
AM Layng, AM Adams, DE Goertz, KW Morrison, BA Pond, RD Phoenix
Journal of Mammalogy 100 (1), 249-260, 2019
Factors affecting the population dynamics of eastern rockhopper penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome filholi) on Campbell Island, New Zealand: a thesis presented in partial fulfilment …
KW Morrison
Massey University, 2015
First record of interbreeding between a Snares crested (Eudyptes robustus) and erect-crested penguin (E. sclateri)
Notornis 61 (2), 109-112, 2014
Phylogeography, Population Structure, and Species Delimitation in Rockhopper Penguins (Eudyptes chrysocome and Eudyptes moseleyi)
HL Mays Jr, DA Oehler, KW Morrison, AE Morales, A Lycans, J Perdue, ...
Journal of Heredity 110 (7), 801-817, 2019
Biological monitoring at Buldir Island, Alaska in 2009
SL Freeman, ME McClintock, KW Morrison, BA Drummond
US Fish and Wildlife Service, Alaska Maritime National Wildlife Refuge, 2010
Eastern rockhopper penguin
KW Morrison
New Zealand birds online. www. nzbirdsonline. org. nz, 2013
Demographic consequences of early development and extreme climate events for alcids on Triangle Island, British Columbia
KW Morrison
Simon Fraser University, 2009
Potential for redistribution of post‐moult habitat for Eudyptes penguins in the Southern Ocean under future climate conditions
CP Green, DB Green, N Ratcliffe, D Thompson, MA Lea, AMM Baylis, ...
Global Change Biology 29 (3), 648-667, 2023
Biology of Black Oystercatchers Breeding on Triangle Island, British Columbia, 2003–2011
JM Hipfner, KW Morrison, AL Kouwenberg
Northwestern Naturalist 93 (2), 145-153, 2012
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Articles 1–20