Robin Arnsperger Selzer
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Citado por
Rethinking women’s leadership development: Voices from the trenches
R Selzer, A Howton, F Wallace
Administrative Sciences 7 (2), 18, 2017
Every woman has a story to tell: Experiential reflections on leadership in higher education
RA Selzer, R Robles
Journal of Women and Gender in Higher Education 12 (1), 106-124, 2019
Implementing grassroots inclusive change through a cultural audit
R Selzer, T Foley
Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management: An International …, 2018
Integrating social justice and academic advising
R Arnsperger Selzer, J Ellis Rouse
Academic Advising Today 36 (3), 2013
Weight matters: African American sorority women speak up about body image
RA Selzer Ph D
Journal of Sorority and Fraternity Life Research and Practice 8 (1), 16-34, 2013
Stepping up to talk about race: Race-conscious leadership in higher ed
R Selzer, J Evans-Phillips, M Johnson
Women in Higher Education 26 (10), 1-3, 2017
The experience and meaning of body image: Hearing the voices of African American sorority women
RA Selzer
Loyola University Chicago, 2006
Integrating Social Justice Teachings Into Pre-Health Advising
R Selzer
The Advisor 36 (3), 35-40, 2016
Developing the AAMC competencies with pre-health professional students through the use of the Intercultural Development Inventory
RA Selzer, F Khan
Handbook of Research on Developing Competencies for Pre-Health Professional …, 2022
Sharing Experiences and Taking Responsibility: White Faculty and Staff Working Toward Racial Justice
R Selzer, P Shannon-Baker, C Black
Experience: Practice+ Theory, 2018
Conflicting identities, work-life challenges, and stereotype threat among divorced Catholic feminist mothers
RA Selzer
Identity Intersectionalities, Mentoring, and Work–Life (Im) Balance …, 2016
Using the Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI) With First-Year, Pre-Med Students: Impacting the Human Side of Healthcare
RA Selzer, R Srivastava, A Huckleberry
Handbook of Research on the Efficacy of Training Programs and Systems in …, 2020
Dissertation Summaries and Abstracts in Body Image: An International Journal of Research
RA Selzer
Body Image 4, 111, 2007
Kevin Geiger, Assistant Professor//Todd J. Foley, PhD, Assistant Professor//University of Cincinnati
R Selzer
Voices of the Global Community
RA Selzer, JE Rouse
The Experience and Meaning of Body Image: Hearing the Voices of African American Sorority Women Dissertation Completed: May, 2006 Loyola University Chicago, Higher Education …
RA Selzer
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