isabelle auby
isabelle auby
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Recent trend reversal for declining European seagrass meadows
CB de Los Santos, D Krause-Jensen, T Alcoverro, N Marbà, CM Duarte, ...
Nature communications 10 (1), 3356, 2019
Influence of seagrass beds and oyster parks on the abundance and biomass patterns of meio-and macrobenthos in tidal flats
J Castel, PJ Labourg, V Escaravage, I Auby, ME Garcia
Estuarine, coastal and shelf science 28 (1), 71-85, 1989
Long-term evolution (1988–2008) of Zostera spp. meadows in Arcachon Bay (Bay of Biscay)
P Martin, D Sébastien, T Gilles, A Isabelle, X de Montaudouin, É Emery, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 87 (2), 357-366, 2010
Seasonal changes in macrophyte and macrozoobenthos assemblages in three coastal lagoons under varying degrees of eutrophication
G Bachelet, X De Montaudouin, I Auby, PJ Labourg
ICES Journal of Marine Science 57 (5), 1495-1506, 2000
Seasonal dynamics of Zostera noltii Hornem. in the bay of Arcachon (France)
I Auby, PJ Labourg
Journal of Sea Research 35 (4), 269-277, 1996
In situ growth potential of the subtidal part of green tide forming Ulva spp. stocks
M Merceron, V Antoine, I Auby, P Morand
Science of the Total Environment 384 (1-3), 293-305, 2007
Protocoles de suivi stationnel des herbiers à zostères pour la Directive Cadre sur l’Eau (DCE). Zostera marina-Zostera noltei. Version 3
I Auby, H Oger-Jeanneret, B Gouillieux, J Grall, AL Janson, M Maguer, ...
Factors influencing primary production of seagrass beds (Zostera noltii Hornem.) in the Thau lagoon (French Mediterranean coast)
M Plus, JM Deslous-Paoli, I Auby, F Dagault
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology 259 (1), 63-84, 2001
Spatio-temporal dynamics of a Zostera noltii dominated community over a period of fluctuating salinity in a shallow lagoon, Southern France
A Charpentier, P Grillas, F Lescuyer, E Coulet, I Auby
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 64 (2-3), 307-315, 2005
Role of tidal pumping on nutrient cycling in a temperate lagoon (Arcachon Bay, France)
J Deborde, P Anschutz, I Auby, C Glé, MV Commarieu, D Maurer, ...
Marine Chemistry 109 (1-2), 98-114, 2008
Modelling seasonal dynamics of biomasses and nitrogen contents in a seagrass meadow (Zostera noltii Hornem.): application to the Thau lagoon (French Mediterranean coast)
M Plus, A Chapelle, A Ménesguen, JM Deslous-Paoli, I Auby
Ecological Modelling 161 (3), 213-238, 2003
Effect of plant photosynthesis, carbon sources and ammonium availability on nitrogen fixation rates in the rhizosphere of Zostera noltii
DT Welsh, S Bourgues, R de Wit, I Auby
Aquatic Microbial Ecology 12 (3), 285-290, 1997
Seasonal variations in photosynthetic irradiance response curves of macrophytes from a Mediterranean coastal lagoon
M Plus, I Auby, M Verlaque, G Levavasseur
Aquatic Botany 81 (2), 157-173, 2005
Relationship between land-use in the agro-forestry system of les Landes, nitrogen loading to and risk of macro-algal blooming in the Bassin d'Arcachon coastal lagoon (SW France)
R De Wit, J Leibreich, F Vernier, F Delmas, H Beuffe, P Maison, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 62 (3), 453-465, 2005
Modelling of oxygen and nitrogen cycling as a function of macrophyte community in the Thau lagoon
M Plus, A Chapelle, P Lazure, I Auby, G Levavasseur, M Verlaque, ...
Continental Shelf Research 23 (17-19), 1877-1898, 2003
Angiospermes des côtes françaises Manche-Atlantique. Propositions pour un indicateur DCE et premières estimations de la qualité
I Auby, H Oger-Jeanneret, PG Sauriau, C Hily, L Barille
Contribution à l'étude des herbiers de Zostera noltii du Bassin d'Arcachon: Dynamique, production et dégradation, macrofaune associée
I Auby
Université Bordeaux 1, 1991
Etude de la prolifération des algues vertes dans le Bassin d'Arcachon
I Auby, F Manaud, D Maurer, G Trut
Can pesticides, copper and seasonal water temperature explain the seagrass Zostera noltei decline in the Arcachon bay?
P Gamain, A Feurtet-Mazel, R Maury-Brachet, I Auby, F Pierron, A Belles, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 134, 66-74, 2018
Differential anaerobic decomposition of seagrass (Zostera noltii) and macroalgal (Monostroma obscurum) biomass from Arcachon Bay (France)
S Bourguès, I Auby, R de Wit, PJ Labourg
Coastal Lagoon Eutrophication and ANaerobic Processes (CLE AN.) Nitrogen and …, 1996
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Articles 1–20