Miguel A. Garcia-Martinez
Miguel A. Garcia-Martinez
Universidad Veracruzana, Department of Biological and Agricultural Sciences
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Cited by
Cited by
Gas/particle partitioning and particle size distribution of PCDD/Fs and PCBs in urban ambient air
B Barbas, A De la Torre, P Sanz, I Navarro, B Artíñano, MA Martínez
Science of the total environment 624, 170-179, 2018
Traditional and novel halogenated flame retardants in urban ambient air: gas-particle partitioning, size distribution and health implications
A De la Torre, B Barbas, P Sanz, I Navarro, B Artíñano, MA Martínez
Science of the Total Environment 630, 154-163, 2018
Taxonomic, species and functional group diversity of ants in a tropical anthropogenic landscape
MÁ García-Martínez, DL Martínez-Tlapa, GR Pérez-Toledo, ...
Tropical Conservation Science 8 (4), 1017-1032, 2015
Mexico ants: incidence and abundance along the Nearctic–Neotropical interface
W Dáttilo, M Vásquez‐Bolaños, DA Ahuatzin, R Antoniazzi, ...
Ecology 101 (4), e02944, 2020
The surrounding landscape influences the diversity of leaf-litter ants in riparian cloud forest remnants
MÁ García-Martínez, JE Valenzuela-González, F Escobar-Sarria, ...
PloS one 12 (2), e0172464, 2017
Organochlorine pesticides air monitoring near a historical lindane production site in Spain
I Navarro, A De la Torre, P Sanz, MA Arjol, J Fernández, MA Martínez
Science of the total environment 670, 1001-1007, 2019
Value of riparian vegetation remnants for leaf-litter ants (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) in a human-dominated landscape in Central Veracruz, Mexico
MÁ García-Martínez, F Escobar-Sarria, F López-Barrera, ...
Environmental entomology 44 (6), 1488-1497, 2015
Efficacy and Cost of Trap–Bait Combinations for Capturing Rhynchophorus palmarum L. (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in Ornamental Palm Polycultures
J Murguía-González, I Landero-Torres, OR Leyva-Ovalle, ...
Neotropical entomology 47, 302-310, 2018
HCH air levels derived from Bailín dumpsite dismantling (Sabiñánigo, Spain)
A De la Torre, I Navarro, P Sanz, MA Arjol, J Fernández, MA Martínez
Science of the total environment 626, 1367-1372, 2018
Evaluación de cebos para el control de Rhynchophorus palmarum (Coleóptera: Curculionidae) en cultivos de palmas ornamentales
I Landero-Torres, ME Galindo-Tovar, OR Leyva-Ovalle, ...
Entomol. Mex 2, 112-118, 2015
Importance of nesting resources and soil conditions for the recovery of ant diversity during secondary succession in a tropical rainforest
M Rocha-Ortega, MÁ García-Martínez
Tropical Conservation Science 11, 1940082918787063, 2018
Ciencia y Arte de la Metodología Cuialitativa. México: Editorial Trillas
M Martínez
Myrmecofauna (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) response to habitat characteristics of tropical montane cloud forests in central Veracruz, Mexico
MÁ García-Martínez, DL Martínez-Tlapa, GR Pérez-Toledo, ...
Florida Entomologist 99 (2), 248-256, 2016
Temporal and spatial variation of the abundance of the black weevil (Rhynchophorus palmarum L., Coleoptera: Curculionidae) in ornamental palm crops from …
I Landero-Torres, E Presa-Parra, ME Galindo-Tovar, OR Leyva-Ovalle, ...
New state-wide records of ant species collected in Tizatlan botanical garden, Tlaxcala, Tlaxcala, Mexico
I Landero-Torres, MÁ García-Martínez, ME Galindo-Tovar, ...
Florida Entomologist 97 (4), 1845-1847, 2014
An ornamental heliconias crop as a reservoir of the native myrmecofauna: a case of tropical horticulture in central Veracruz, Mexico
I Landero-Torres, MÁ García-Martínez, ME Galindo-Tovar, ...
Southwestern Entomologist 39 (1), 135-146, 2014
New ant species (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) records for Veracruz state and Mexico
MA García-Martínez, JE Valenzuela-González, DL Martínez-Tlapa, ...
Southwestern Entomologist 38 (4), 661-666, 2013
The fruit fly lure Ceratrap: an effective tool for the study of the arboreal ant fauna (Hymenoptera: Formicidae)
MA García-Martínez, E Presa-Parra, JE Valenzuela-González, R Lasa
Journal of Insect Science 18 (4), 16, 2018
Propuesta pedagógica sobre la educación en valores éticos y para la democracia
M Martínez
Documento de la Conferencia de Ministros de Montevideo, 1997
Diversidad, tipos de dieta de murciélagos y su respuesta a bordes de bosque mesófilo de montaña, Veracruz, México
JA Cerón-Hernández, R Serna-Lagunes, GB Torres-Cantú, ...
Ecosistemas y recursos agropecuarios 9 (2), 2022
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Articles 1–20