No contagion, only interdependence: measuring stock market comovements KJ Forbes, R Rigobon The journal of Finance 57 (5), 2223-2261, 2002 | 6236 | 2002 |
Aggregate confusion: The divergence of ESG ratings F Berg, JF Koelbel, R Rigobon Review of Finance 26 (6), 1315-1344, 2022 | 2604 | 2022 |
The impact of monetary policy on asset prices R Rigobon, B Sack Journal of monetary economics 51 (8), 1553-1575, 2004 | 1572 | 2004 |
Identification through heteroskedasticity R Rigobon Review of Economics and Statistics 85 (4), 777-792, 2003 | 1235 | 2003 |
Measuring the reaction of monetary policy to the stock market R Rigobon, B Sack The quarterly journal of Economics 118 (2), 639-669, 2003 | 1178 | 2003 |
Rule of law, democracy, openness, and income: Estimating the interrelationships1 R Rigobon, D Rodrik Economics of transition 13 (3), 533-564, 2005 | 1018 | 2005 |
Currency choice and exchange rate pass-through G Gopinath, O Itskhoki, R Rigobon American Economic Review 100 (1), 304-336, 2010 | 886 | 2010 |
Measuring Contagion: Conceptual and Empirical Issues K Forbes, R Rigobon International financial contagion, 43-66, 2001 | 766 | 2001 |
Resource curse or debt overhang? O Manzano, R Rigobon National bureau of economic research, 2001 | 693 | 2001 |
Stocks, bonds, money markets and exchange rates: measuring international financial transmission M Ehrmann, M Fratzscher, R Rigobon Journal of Applied Econometrics 26 (6), 948-974, 2011 | 660 | 2011 |
An alternative interpretation of the'resource curse': Theory and policy implications R Hausmann, R Rigobon National Bureau of Economic Research, 2003 | 625 | 2003 |
Asset prices and exchange rates A Pavlova, R Rigobon The Review of Financial Studies 20 (4), 1139-1180, 2007 | 517 | 2007 |
Sticky borders G Gopinath, R Rigobon The Quarterly Journal of Economics 123 (2), 531-575, 2008 | 481 | 2008 |
Principal components as a measure of systemic risk M Kritzman, Y Li, S Page, R Rigobon Available at SSRN 1582687, 2010 | 468 | 2010 |
The billion prices project: Using online prices for measurement and research A Cavallo, R Rigobon Journal of Economic Perspectives 30 (2), 151-178, 2016 | 457 | 2016 |
Once again, is openness good for growth? HY Lee, LA Ricci, R Rigobon Journal of development economics 75 (2), 451-472, 2004 | 401 | 2004 |
Contagion in Latin America: Definitions, measurement, and policy implications K Forbes, R Rigobon National Bureau of Economic Research, 2000 | 397 | 2000 |
Another pass-through bites the dust? Oil prices and inflation [with comments] J De Gregorio, O Landerretche, C Neilson, C Broda, R Rigobon Economia 7 (2), 155-208, 2007 | 388 | 2007 |
Measuring sovereign contagion in Europe M Caporin, L Pelizzon, F Ravazzolo, R Rigobon Journal of Financial Stability 34, 150-181, 2018 | 341 | 2018 |
The effects of war risk on US financial markets R Rigobon, B Sack Journal of banking & finance 29 (7), 1769-1789, 2005 | 337 | 2005 |